Pocket rocket

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Ivys POV
        She had made it back to her room where she checked her phone again wishing for no other messages. 
*no incoming messages*
She smiled weakly and made it to her dresser, she stared at it for a while before picking out an outfit.  Even though she could feel she wasn't ready to go back to the norm she had to start getting used to her previous life again, she wanted to start slow so she ruled out the idea of looking for a job and since the only thing she had on her that was valid was her gym membership, she changed into something suitable for a workout.

Simple and comfy, just how she liked it

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Simple and comfy, just how she liked it.  She made her way out to the living room and jay was sat on his phone, "hey jay" she said hoping he wouldn't question why she was dressed how she was, since she got taken he was really strict about how often she left alone.  "Hey Ivy, woah" he said kinda lunging at her after taking his eyes off his phone screen.  She just stood staring at him because she knew what he was going to say, "okay okay, slow down Katniss where'd you think you're going?" He said half sarcastic, half deadly serious.  She just smiled at her new nickname, he must've branded her with it after she went climbing around the kitchen cabinets a few days ago, she liked it.  "Uhhh to the gym?" She said knowing exactly what his answer would be.  To her surprise he allowed it, under one condition, "you go I go, end of story" he decided without even listening to her debate.  "Fine" she kind of annoyed but slightly amused, she's never had a gym buddy before so she was happy to have a companion. 

Ivys POV
      She sat down on the kitchen island waiting for jay to re appear in his gym gear.  5 minutes had passed and he turned up waving her phone around in front of her face.  She seized up as she automatically thought he had read the messages in her contacts,  "someone's popular" he joked not knowing who it was blowing up her phone, "oh god sorry I forgot it" she replied making jay slightly suspicious since she would usually answer back with a sarcastic comment.  She looked down at the screen to see the unknown number messaging her repeatedly with some random messages.  Not in the mood she shut down her phone and put it in her pocket, she sighed and jumped off the counter grabbing jays shoulder for help, "everything okay?" he finally piped up.  "Yeah, just that number from the other night" she smiled signalling for him to leave it at.  He half followed her signal since he knew she was telling the truth but he looked at her with the you can tell me eyes before she left chuckling to herself.

General POV
      They had made it to the gym after a fairly awkward drive to the since jay wasn't convinced she was telling the whole truth and Ivy didn't want to worry him some tiny problem.  Hopping out the car, they both made their way to the desk, since it was Ivys first time at this particular gym she had to sign some forms to say she would be held reliable for any injuries she got while at the gym unless the machine caused it or something like that.  She didn't really care about all that so she signed all the papers without reading them and joined jay in the locker room.  "Boxing gloves huh?" He nudged her in the shoulder teasing her thinking she would be a beginner.  "Oh yeah you bet, meet me in the ring in 10 minutes and I'll give you a run for your money" she made a deal with him.  Without saying anything more, jay raised his hands in the air, "oh it's on" he challenged.

Jays POV
He left to go to the weights room to quickly warm up before meeting Ivy in the spacious boxing area over in the corner. She was already there doing shuttle runs back and forwards, she stopped when she saw jay and joined him staring at the ring. He didn't say anything instead he just nervously gulped after he realised maybe it wasn't going to be as easy as he assumed. "You coming chuckles?" She offensively yet jokingly questioned him. "You've got no chance" he said pushing his chest out trying to make himself look as big as he could even if he did look silly, she just laughed at him, like a big chesty laugh before she broke out into a 'cough'. Knowing she could possibly be facing some side affects from her injuries he rushed over and offered out his arm, she was crouched down holding her knees as he did. Before he could even ask if she was okay she looked up smirking and snickered, she straightened up stealthily before grabbing his arm and twisting him around, before he could blink to see what she was doing he was on the ground as if he was about to be arrested with his hand behind his back and her knee placed on his back securing him down.  She laughed to herself before getting up and turning around, "oh so we're doing it like that are we?" He said still lying on the floor, she jumped from foot to foot smiling and shaking her arms about, "you bet" she challenged him again. He got up and gathered himself staring at her wondering where her strength came from all of a sudden. They both started to move around the ring, quickly but carefully throwing mini 'punches' in each other's directions, he was confused at how light and quick she was on her feet, she was so quick he could barely dodge her punches. However, his time in the rangers didn't completely go to waste, he edged his way closer still defending himself with his gloves before he grabbed one of her arms and slung her carefully over his shoulder, it was the type of move you'd expect to see before he would RKO her to the floor but he didn't, he knew she was starting to get better but she was still injured. He walked around the ring for a few seconds with her still hanging over his shoulder trying to boast that he defeated the pocket rocket. "Okay okay I'll give it to you, you got me" she admitted. "You're good" he complimented her while trying to catch his breath back, "not too bad yourself chuckles" she said before sliding under the band of the ring and removing her gloves before leaving them on a bench to the side of him.

General POV
She was gathering her towel and water together when jay joined her again, both sweating and breathing a little chaotic. A man in the corner of the room not too far away from them caught her attention, he looked so familiar but she couldn't pin point his face. "Hey jay don't look now but does he look familiar to you" she pointed over to the mans direction. He waited a second before turning to look at him, he collected his thoughts before placing a picture to his face, "yeah he does, isn't he the guy who knocked you down outside med?" They both froze as they suspected that was the unknown number texting her. "Yeah maybe, let's just go" she brushed it off and left for the locker room.  Jay however went to refill his water bottle up before joining her.  There was a cue to the water fountain but he was thirsty so he waited patiently, while he was waiting he looked back around to where the man was standing but he was gone, he thought nothing of it since it was a gym with multiple rooms, before he could finish scanning the room for him, the man behind him scoffed, "hey man I don't know which girl you're looking for to take home but can you just fill your bottle up so we can too" he insulted him since he was just stood there looking around the room.  "Oh yeah sorry man my bad" he ignored the taking a girl home part since he was holding up the cue.  After he finished filling his bottle back up he turned around, "sorry guys" he said one more time to the cue behind him.  He made his way back to the locker room but stood in disgust in the doorway before entering.

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