Its too late

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Jays POV
He walked out of the break room feeling the weight off of his shoulders until the three detectives just stared at him with pity.  "Jay come here, look we shut down all the posts on the illegal websites; you know how the internet works, one person shares it the next thing you know a lot of people have them in their camera rolls.  There's no way of knowing who has the images, it's too late jay."  Adam explained, jay knew what he was trying to say but he didn't know why he was saying it, "yeah but the pictures are down aren't they? Aren't they?!" Jay said in a harsh tone making ivy stare at them all from the couch in the break room.  "Jay calm down man, you're gonna freak her out" Kim said while staring at ivy who was sat playing on a spare phone on the couch still,  "look jay we did all we could but the pictures spread too quickly and before we could finish up they'd already been posted around insta..." Kim started to explain but she was cut off by a loud cry and a crash from the break room, "Instagram" Kim sighed finishing while they were all just stood looking at ivy in fear, jay was scared for her, he could see she was so vulnerable and she was just slumped on the floor crying every single tear she had left in her out.  Hank shot jay a scared look before both of them ran over to the break room, "IVY! Hey ivy? What's wrong?" Hank said crouching down to the floor, he had a feeling he knew already but he asked anyways, jay was just stood in the door way too scared to even speak. Ivy couldn't even gasp for air never mind speak so she just gave hank the phone with her trembling hands and just let her hair cover her face while she struggled to sit up straight. Hank took the phone out of Ivys hands and looked at the screen, it was the explore page on Instagram; full of her private information and pictures, everything. He frowned before turning the phone to show jay in silence. Jays heart shattered, the whole world could see the things ivy should have the right to keep a secret, "oh ivy, I'm so so sorry, look, it's gonna be okay. Nothing lasts forever, they'll all forget about it tomorrow and you can go back to your normal life!" Jay said lying through the grit of his teeth but pulled her into a hug anyways, she was very weak in this state so jay just decided to sit on the floor with her for a while. Adam and Kim were still trying to get everything blocked and deleted on Instagram but the truth was they didn't have any control over people's camera rolls so if they had the pictures there was nothing they could do.

Ivys POV
She sat on the couch fairly calm considering what she had just been told but jay raising his voice outside in the bullpen made her anxious. She looked back down to the spare phone she had been given to keep her amused while she waited until she felt her whole world crumble. She clenched the phone, let out a loud cry and fell to the floor, she was pretty sure she gained everyone's attention by now. Jay and hank came running over to her and tried to understand what was going on, she showed them the phone but just stayed on the floor, jay had began talking to her but she wasn't really listening so she didn't hear what he said, she did however embrace the hug since she needed someone to be there for her. Her and jay were sat on the floor for a while before Kevin and Vanessa ran back into the bullpen with smiling faces. The detectives all looked up at them with a drop the smiles stare before Kevin and Vanessa mouthed 'oh' and looked at ivy who was still sat on the floor with jay. "Uh sarge we got good news..." Vanessa said breaking the silence, this had gotten Ivys attention since good news was something she hadn't heard in a while. "The guys downstairs, he was hiding in some alley a few blocks from the gym" Kevin finished her sentence. Ivy sighed and released some stress, "what now?" She sniffled asking anyone who was willing to answer her. "Well kiddo he'll admit to all this mess and he'll be locked away for a long while." Hank said smiling at her. "But what if he doesn't confess?" She said knowing it was rare for anyone to give a confession, "don't worry ivy, he will" he said shaking her arm before getting up and heading downstairs. She could see jay was happy they caught him but she also knew he was sad and angry, "what happens to me now then?" She said looking up at jay who was thinking of something. "You'll stay here till he confesses, I might have to leave you alone for a bit to go help but I'll still be here if you need me" he said rubbing her arm. "Yeah okay, you should go, do your job" she said laughing slightly before climbing back up onto the couch, "you can't stay in here though ivy, it'll be too much for you, it gets pretty heated up here when things like this happen, I don't want you panicking. I'll get Trudy to put you in an empty office downstairs, I'll make sure to tell her you haven't eaten yet. An officer will command post your office so no one can enter or leave unless we say." He said seriously, she frowned but agreed knowing there was no use in arguing.

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