Ill get there

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Ivys POV
She heard some rumbling down by the side of her bed as she woke up, it was jay, she smiled at the thought of him still being there. He was sorting out his old clothes that was in his duffle bag, he stopped and turned around when he heard a chuckle. "Whatcha doing?" She flirted towards him, he smirked and scoffed back. "Packing up so I can take you home" she laughed at that gesture thinking he was joking, "I'm being deadly serious, like end of the world serious" she looked at him as if he had three heads. "Wait so you're telling me that I got kidnapped and now I'm in hospital and you're going to take my back to your place?" She sarcastically summed up what he was saying. Jay giggled at how bubbly her character was even less than a day after being tortured. "Yeah, well the problem is when we found you, the men had fled" she rolled her eyes at the though of the men, "and they've fled to New Zealand so the case has been taken out of our care" her heart sank and her face dropped. Jay sprung to her side and dropped everything he was holding just to support her by holding her hand and stooping to her eye level, "hey hey hey, look at me okay? They're never going to hurt you again, I'm taking you back to my apartment until we find them okay? You're safe with me I promise!" He swore to her. She soothed at his touch but she frowned at the thought of going back to her apartment once the men had been caught.
*knock knock knock*
Dr Charles: "hey jay, Ivy right?"
Ivy: "yeah that's me am I free to go?"
Dr Charles: "yeah you're free to go soon, I just stopped by to check on you, I know going through things like this especially alone can be challenging. Lucky thing is, you have chuckles here to help you through it!"
Jay: "hey! It's detective chuckles to you"
All three of them were in hysterics.
Dr Charles: "seriously though Ivy, things like this don't come easy, I'll be available every day in my office if you ever feel the need to talk or stop by"
Ivy: "thank you, I might take you up on that offer" she huffed in defeat at the thought of needing help.
Jay: "yeah she will definitely take you up on that offer, thanks dr Charles" jay corrected her, her stomach filled with butterflies, she finally had someone in her life that worried about her.

Wills POV
It was now 19:00pm and it was time for ivy to go home, he checked his pocket watch hanging on his scrub pocket and he made his way over with some discharge papers in his hands, "hey guys! Good news, you can go home now ivy" Will delivered the great news. "Yay, finally!" Ivy squealed in excitement. "Is there anyone we can call to come pick you up and take you home?" Will was completely unaware she has to stay with jay for a while. "Uh she'll be staying with me for the time being" will shot ivy a this true? look as his jaw dropped to the floor. "She'll be with me till we catch the men" jay confirmed it, they'd be 'living' together for who knows how long. Will and jay were doing some kind of bro stare off thing when ivy chirped in, "uhh imma go change real quick" she chuckled and left to go change into some sweats hailey had fetched her in the bathroom by the corner. Will slapped jay across the chest, "lucky you" jay shot him a glare, evil eyes. "Keep your voice down!" He hissed towards will as will just laughed knowing he'd rat him out some day. As she walked back out both boys straightened up their posture, "you sure you're okay?" Jay asked one last time "hey dude let the woman breathe" will scoffed with a playful tone but she could tell even he wanted a truthful answer, Ivy just smirked in disbelief at their childish nature, "I'll get there, maybe not overnight but I'll get there". Jay had already taken the discharge papers and signed them for her so they were now free to leave and that's exactly what the did.

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