Excuse you!

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General POV
     Jay and ivy had made their way out the hospital and they were walking over to his SUV, it was around 17:00pm so it was starting to get dark.  It was eerily quiet which was strange for a hospital, especially at rush hour.  They had already made it half way to the car when a tall man had diverted his eyes to ivy and began walking in their direction, both of them had noticed the man so they decided the move out of his way and walk around him, but as they shifted to the right so did the man yet none of them stopped walking.  They had gotten in arms length of each other when the man walked even further into Ivys direction and before either of them could move out of his was he barged his shoulder into Ivys knocking himself and ivy both to the floor.  "HEY! EXCUSE YOU?" Jay shouted with rage, he knelt to the floor to pull ivy back up to her feet and moving her away from the man who was also scrambling up from the ground. Her phone had been knocked out of her pocket and it was no where to be seen until jay spotted the man go to pick it up. "That's not yours pal, go away" he snapped more of a warning than a suggestion. The man backed away with his arms raised in defence as ivy bent down moaning to pick it up, "thanks" she said a bit out of breath. "You know that guy?" He was confused. "Uh no I don't think?" Her mind completely blank as she tried to think of someone, she automatically thought of her kidnapper but that was impossible as he was somewhere in New Zealand. Jay knew she assumed it was lukas, "hey it's not him, there's no way it could be, you're safe" she smiled weakly but she shook it off before getting into his car.

Ivys POV
Back at jays apartment, she went to go change into something different before the unit got to jays place, she wanted to change out of her wet dirty clothes since she had been pushed down, she chose some blue baggy jeans, a beige tank top and her white Air Force trainers, she slipped on her belt which had a chain dangling down onto her hip. She had found one of skylars old brown flannel button up shirts in her bag so she picked it up and put it on trying to hold back the tears.

  She had found one of skylars old brown flannel button up shirts in her bag so she picked it up and put it on trying to hold back the tears

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She wandered out to the kitchen trying to switch on her phone but it wasn't knocking on no matter how long she held the button for. "Hey jay? Where are you?" She shouted out into the apartment since she couldn't see jay in the kitchen like he usually was. "Bedroom" he shouted out from his room, she quickly made her way into his room before telling him her phone wouldn't switch on. "Uh can you help?" She hoped he knew how to fix it since her phone was her lifeline. "I can try what's up" he looked puzzled but offered anyways. "Yeah so my phone won't knock on but there's no visible damage..." she jumped onto his bed kneeling down before holding her ribs in pain, she ignored the shooting pain down her side and focused on jay switching on her phone. "Got it" he said proudly before throwing her phone back gently to her, "you're my hero" she joked before going back to the kitchen to grab an ice pack from the freezer.
Her phone buzzed again before she could place it down on the counter,
*one message from unknown caller*
She scoffed as she was sure she blocked the number earlier that day
Unknown number: "it was nice seeing you this evening :)" she stopped still in her tracks before she could even place the ice pack down.
The ice pack dropped to the floor, she just stood shaking as she realised the man who knocked her down earlier that day must've been the man texting her, she shook her head wondering how on earth he found her before realising he must have been following her around all day.

Jays POV
"You're my hero" she joked before leaving to go to the kitchen. It had been around a minute since she left his room and jay was putting his shoes on until he heard a crash on the kitchen tiles, he bolted out his room to see ivy stood shaking in fear and an ice pack slumped on the floor, "hey hey ivy, what's wrong?" He ran towards her, no answer. "Ivy?!" She jumped at jays concerned tone and she turned towards him to give him her phone, he took it from her hands and read the text on the screen. He paused for a second before realising the same thing ivy did a few seconds ago. They both just stared at each other, they weren't sad just a bit creeped out. Of course they couldn't do anything because there was no way to know who the man was and they had no reason to phone the police over something that could've been brushed off as an 'accident'.

General POV
       Both of them tried to ignore what happened that day because neither of them wanted to ruin a special night. Ivy wrapped her ribs up in a sling type bandage and jay had cleaned up the ice that escaped the ice pack not too long ago. It was around 19:00pm when sounds started coming from outside the door, familiar voices in fact.

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