What'd you say about staring?

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Jays POV
He grabbed his phone from his pocket and looked at his notifications,
*three messages from: hailey, voight and will*
He decided to answer hank first as he wanted to see the light of tomorrow.
Voight: "hey jay, just checking up on you both. Haven't heard from you in a while, you good?"
Jay: "oh god sarge I'm so sorry I should've text. We're all good,we're doing fine. Shes getting better, still got some fight left in her."
Voight: "thought she would do, as long as you're okay that's fine. I'll be over tomorrow with the unit' we're coming to visit"
Jay: "thanks sarge it'll make her happy, I think she could use it right now, see you then"
Hailey: "hey jay, you've been quiet these past few days, you still alive over there?"
Jay: "hey hails, yeah we're good she's just keeping me on my toes, turns out there's more than one type of cheese"
Hailey: "yeah jay, yeah there is. Glad to know you're both safe"
Jay: "yeah we're good, she wanted to thank you for fetching her clothes to my place but I guess I'll let her do that tomorrow, see you then"
Will: "hey bro just checking we're good for dinner tonight?"
Jay: "yeah we're fine with it, lasagne sound okay?"
Will: "prefect, talk soon"
Jay: "yeah see you later bro"
He put his phone down on the island as he looked up to see ivy stood in front of him. "Why you smiling?" She asked fairly interested. "You'll find out tomorrow" he told her grinning from ear to ear before turning his attention back to he shopping bags. They both jumped at putting them away, he turned around from picking up some cans of spaghetti hoops to see ivy knelt on top of the counter attempting to reach the highest shelf. He walked up behind her and reached his hands under her arms to lift her back down but instead of placing her back on the ground he turned around whilst still dangling her in the air and sat her on the counter fully knowing she wouldn't be able to get down. He smirked and turned away from her saying nothing as he finished up unpacking the last bag. After putting the final plastic bag in the drawer under the sink, he turned back around to focus on ivy who was sat with a pet lip sticking out at him, "what was that for?" She begged, "not following doctors orders! You're meant to be on bed rest, not going on mini adventures exploring the kitchen cabinets." he giggled. "Okay okay fair point. Now lift me back down so I can fight you" he laughed back at her response.

Ivys POV
They had become close over the past couple of days and she had grown to having company 24/7. She knew Will was coming over soon so she decided to go change into something a bit more formal and not so lazy after preparing the lasagne and popping it in the oven to cook. She left jay to watch tv in the same seat she was sat in earlier that morning, the seat in direct view of the bedrooms. She ran towards her room attempting to shut the door but it blew back open slightly as a draft flew through and jay could see her every move. She began to take her boots off then untie her hair before throwing it up into a messy bun. Since she knew she'd be in there for a while she danced around and singing into her bronzer brush when jay had made the same move she did earlier that day, staring. He was just staring at her goofy nature, she laughed and rolled her eyes before shouting through to him "what did you say about staring? It was rude? Huh?" She smiled in the mirror at him before moving out of his view. She finally decided on a floaty, long sleeved dress with a deep cut front. It was casual but comfy.

She slipped on some baby pink pumps so she wasn't walking around the kitchen in socks before walking out to jay

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She slipped on some baby pink pumps so she wasn't walking around the kitchen in socks before walking out to jay. "Wow" he said a little too loud. "I'll pretend I didn't hear that should I?" She tormented him. She had made him blush again before the cooker beeped signalling the lasagne was done.
Taking the lasagne out the oven and replacing it with the garlic bread she placed the plates on the counter before jay took them and put them on the table. She got out 4 plates even though she only expected jay to put out 3 but he placed all 4 at the table, "4 plates huh? Who else is coming?" She wasn't trying to guess who it could possibly be? Hank? Hailey? She couldn't guess so he laughed and told her. "It's Natalie from med, will and nat have been on and off for a while and right now they've got it going strong I think so I asked her to come too" he smiled, "wow, jay halstead quite the matchmaker" she teased him before there was a knock at the door. It must be them.

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