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General POV
"Alright, everyone start a timeline I want every detail on this board now" hank ordered. Jay had made his way over to ivy and Trudy, she left to give them a moment together. He shut the door to the break room and sat down on the table in front of ivy before rubbing his hands across his face, "anything else you 'forgot' to tell me?" He said fairly angry. She shivered at his tone and him not being so friendly with her, "Look jay I'm so..." he raised his hand and cut her off, "save it for later, be honest with me is there anything else you haven't told me?" He said brushing her apology off, "no, that's it. But jay I only didn't tell you because..." he raised his hand again, "I said save it for later" he snapped shutting her up before rolling his eyes, shaking his head and leaving to join the team. She slapped her head in her hands as Trudy joined her again, she was fully sobbing now, and not because jay had 'told her off' but because she may have just broken his trust, the only person she had in her life that truly understood her and she might have just ruined it. Trudy braced her into a hug, "he's only trying to protect you, that's why he's being so tough, you know that right?" Ivy looked up to meet trudy's gaze, "yeah I get it but I just ruined everything" she said not accepting any excuses, she knows what she did. Trudy went to reply back assuring her he would be fine by tomorrow but she was interrupted by hank, "Trudy come on, you might wanna see this..." he said fairly concerned. Trudy treat ivy somewhat like family, both sergeants flashed ivy a sincere smile and left her alone with her own thoughts.

Ivys POV
It's not like she was in some kind of official trouble, it wasn't like she was going to be charged with the death penalty for lying, but to her it felt exactly like that but 10 times worse. She realised that she hadn't just lied about stealing a chocolate or cheating on an exam, she had lied about something that could've put both herself and jay in trouble. She brought herself to a calmer state but she was still weeping a little, every time she had a good thing going in life she always found a way to ruin it, she didn't know what else to do but pray jay would become an angel, more of one than he already is, and forgive her. It was silent for around 5 minutes until she got up to look out the window.

Jays POV
        He left the break room after snapping at ivy, he was angry but he immediately regretted snapping at her. Hailey walked over to him and placed her hand on his shoulder, "I know you're mad jay, but she was scared, she didn't wanna worry you, take it easy on her" she said calmly to him. He was still full of anger but he sighed and nodded in agreement. He got up and stared into the break room to see Trudy hugging ivy, he groaned after realising how hard she was taking it and he had only just made her feel worse. "Hey, guys I think I got something" Vanessa said breaking the uncomfortable silence. The team gathered around her desk and hank paused Vanessa for a second to go get Trudy, "Trudy come on, you might wanna see this..." hank told her splitting her up from ivy. Jay took the opportunity to look at ivy while the door was open, she was crying, he frowned and felt bad but he was still angry no matter how much he tried to shake it out of him, his anger was still there. Vanessa continued when Trudy and hank joined them back at her desk. "Okay so, i haven't checked the messages yet since we don't know how much he's tracking.  But, I ran a couple of things through Ivys phone and it turns out that her phone is using twice the amount of data than a normal cell should, so someone's tapped into her phone and has been watching her every move..." Vanessa summed up.  Everyone just stood there as their stomachs sank especially jays, he realised that she had her phone with her in she shower to listen to music, the car, her room.  "Wait so does that mean he's watched her cha..." Adam piped up but was cut off Kim, "change, yeah and wherever else she's took her phone too.  That's how he knew she was sleeping, her camera must've been pointed towards her." She shuddered at the thought of being watched.  "So he did do something to her phone when it landed on the floor" Jay scoffed knowing his suspicions were correct.  They all turned back to Vanessa, "what?" She questioned as they all stared at her, "the messages rojas, read the messages" hank kept her in her place.  "Oh yeah sorry, ummm right, so looks like he's messaged her up until you guys got here which was about an hour ago... oh my god" she explained but paused in shock, she slowly turned the monitor around showing the unit images of ivy getting changed, sleeping, and even threats exposing her address.  Everyone just stared at the screen, they were heart broken for ivy, even jay he wasn't so much angry anymore but he was still disappointed she lied, she had just been exposed, her private things exposed and there was nothing she could do about it, "guys I'm sorry to ruin it even more but if he has the images then we gotta shut down anyone else who does..." Trudy came to her senses.  "Yeah she's right, Adam Kim you guys scan the dark web, go on any illegal sights you need to and shut down any posts and account that have her pictures, info, you name it, anything. NOW" he barked startling everyone.  Hank saw ivy like a daughter and he wasn't prepared to let anything else happen to her.  "Vanessa, Kev you guys go by the gym and get the footage, see if we can find the guy.  Hailey and Trudy you guys stop by her apartment check that no ones been, stay there until we text you otherwise" jay shot hank a confused look as to why he wasn't assigned a task.  "You're staying here, you're too attached to the case jay I mean it." He said benching him for the sake of him and ivy.  "Now are you gonna go tell her what's going on or do I have to?" Hank added, "sorry sarge I will, I just need a second" jay replied.

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