Thats a new one

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Ivys POV
She had forgot to ask jay if all her clothes had been taken to his place so she sneakily wandered out of jays room to let him sort out whatever he needed to do and went to hers where to her surprise all the clothes were hung up neatly in the dressers, "hailey didn't know what you wanted so she technically just fetched your whole wardrobe" jay peaked his head around her bedroom door, she turned to face jay, "she's quite a remarkable woman isn't she?" Ivy was impressed that hailey knew what to fetch her. "She is indeed" jay second her as he walked off to order pizza and set up the couch with blankets. Ivy slipped into some comfortable black silk Pajamas and an some fluffy socks since she noticed jay had already gotten his PJ's on.

She felt the need to cover up a bit more since she wasn't in the comfort of her own home, she left the shorts and tank tops for a later time when they were more comfortable around each other

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She felt the need to cover up a bit more since she wasn't in the comfort of her own home, she left the shorts and tank tops for a later time when they were more comfortable around each other.

Jays POV
*ding dong*
Luckily for him he lived a few minutes away from the deep dish house and the pizza had arrived in no more than 10 minutes. He answered the door, paid and set the pizza box onto the coffee table in-front of the couch. He noticed ivy creep into the living room, "hey, want a beer?" He hopped she accepted, "that'd be great, thanks!" She politely accepted wether it was the right decision or not with her almost concussion she didn't care. He looked at ivy as she took a seat on a stool in front of him, she had on a small black silk PJ vest top and some 3/4 silk black bottoms, she could pull off anything without even trying. "Hey, you good jay?" She noticed he was just staring at her, "yeah, no I'm good. Just figuring what movie we could watch" he added trying to cover up his stares again. By now it was 22:00pm and he handed ivy the beer, he had placed a bag of popcorn onto the stove and they waited for 2 minutes before the bag had finished popping. "Popcorn ma lady?", he joked offering his hand in front of her. She took his hand and they both crashed gently onto the couch, he sat down first so his impact would hurt her considering she took a bad beat down not so long ago. "So you figured out what film we're watching yet?" She stared directly into his eyes wiggling her eyebrows, he couldn't take her seriously, he wanted to pick up a pillow and lob it at her but he didn't want to hurt her anymore than she already was.

General POV
The pair had settled down with the pizza on jays lap and 'Harry Potter and the philosophers stone' on the tv. Jay had already had two slices of pizza but ivy was only just now reaching over for her second slice. She reached over, flinching in slight discomfort before attempting to separate a slice of pizza from the rest, she didn't know if it was just her tiredness kicking in or her injuries taking a toll on her strength but she couldn't manage to break the slice off, "you manage?" Jay said quite amused while smirking down at the pizza box on his lap where she was fighting with the pizza. "Haha very funny, could you get it for me I can't seem to tear it off?" She rolled her eyes playfully. "Losing to slice of pizza? That's a new one" he chuckles to himself clearly finding himself very funny. She was smirking at him until her phone buzzed, she picked it up to read the message plastered across her screen...
*one message from skykar*
Skylar: "hi ivy! How you doing? Just checking up on you 💗" she smiled at her message until she could see jay staring at her.
Ivy: "hey sky! I'm doing good how're you doing? Did you find out when you're heading back yet?" She decided to ask taking the focus away from her since she didn't want to have to explain what happened to her not yet anyways; her face slowly lost its smile and it quickly turned to a frown as she read the next message
Skylar: "yeah I did actually and about that, my dad found out about my job back in Chicago and he doesn't approve, he said it's the second time he hasn't approved of my work choices and he can't trust me any more. So I'm heart broken to let you know over text that I'm not coming back to chicago" ivy could feel a tear or two fall onto her cheek as she felt jay stroke her leg with his hand.

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