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Ivys POV
She woke up in her bed with the blanket wrapped tightly around her, she didn't wake up on her own accord however, she felt a pair of eyes looking at her. Jumping up in fear thinking she was back in the warehouse being watched, she gasped slightly as jay rushed over to calm her down. They said nothing but ivy knew she was safe. "Breakfast is ready" he said trying to move her away from her thoughts. She smiled and could smell the all day breakfast waiting in the kitchen for them. She sprung up and quickly threw on some joggers and a hoodie since she hadn't even gotten changed into PJ's last night before striding into the kitchen where jay was filling up the plates.
Ivy looked towards jay who shrugged since it wasn't his phone that buzzed before making her way over to the coffee table.
*one message from unknown number*
She narrowed her eyes in confusion at how someone could have gotten her number. Before unlocking her phone to read it she paused making sure jay wasn't looking.
Unknown number: "hey beautiful, I'll see you later :)" she shivered as the hairs on the back of her neck stood up
"You good ivy?" Jay questioned as she was just stood there motionless. "Oh uh yeah um, just some random text. They must have been given the wrong number or something" she said mostly trying to convince herself more than jay. "If you say so" he didn't push her for more since they still had only known each other for around a week. She placed her phone back down on the table before it pinged again.
Unknown number: "see you later then :)" she just rolled her eyes just thinking they had been given the wrong number from a date gone wrong or something. Switching off her phone and shaking it off, she went to join jay at the island, jumping up onto a stool she took the plate into her grasp. "Top notch shef" she joked as he had already devoured most of the breakfast already. He couldn't even say thanks as his mouth was stuffed with scrambled eggs. Instead he just flashed a wide smile until he stopped when She giggled at the crumbs falling from his mouth. "So I guess I better start getting back on track today? Huh?" She seriously said starting a fresh conversation. "Only If you're ready ivy, no ones rushing you." he always knew what to say. "What about you? Don't you have to get back to work or something?" She questioned him trying to move the topic away from herself. "Nope! Hank gave me two weeks paid leave so I'm all up for helping you when you're ready." She was taken aback at how far people were willing to go to help her.  "Really? That's great, I can't thank you all enough for helping me" she blushed and he smiled but said nothing hoping she would say she wanted help.  "I know, how about I call dr Charles and I let him know that I want his help?" She suggested, his eyes grew wide with happiness.  She finally wanted help, "ivy this is huge! Are you sure you're ready, no ones judging you if you aren't" he double checked.  "Yeah jay i'm positive, I can't put it off everyday can I?" She giggled.

Jays POV
        "You're a real badass you know that?" He said trying to lift her spirit up.  She grinned at him as they just stared at each other.  "Ill drop you off at med when you want to go see him, I'll wait outsi-" he proposed his ideas before she cut him, "no jay, I want you to come with me.  I don't think I can do it alone." She jumped at the thought of going through therapy alone.  His heart melted, she was so innocent and she didn't deserve to go through what she did.  "Of course ivy, anything you need".

General POV
       It had been about an hour and half since ivy phoned dr Charles to let him know she was ready.  They both agreed on her first session, 15:30pm.  It was 14:45 pm and ivy decided it was best she got a shower and got changed, so she did just that.  Even though she had a mind full that she needed to prioritise she couldn't help but forget the message from earlier.  She set her phone on the marble counter next to the sink in the bathroom and knocked her Spotify playlist on before hopping in the shower to clear her mind, she must've started singing along to the songs as she heard chuckling coming from outside the door.  Embarrassed she turned off the shower and put a towel around her body since she didn't wash her hair, and went to open the door after grabbing her phone.  "Nice singing" jay tormented her as she blushed.  "Haha very funny, I'll remember that next time you have a concert in the shower" she sarcastically chimed back.  She made her way to her room before she heard jay chuckle behind her as he walked to the couch.  She picked out something comfy since she didn't know how long her appointment would be, she chose out some dark blue ripped jeans, a grey cropped hoodie and some grey Adidas trainers.

She checked her phone half expecting to see another creepy message, luckily there wasn't

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She checked her phone half expecting to see another creepy message, luckily there wasn't.  It was 15:10 pm and she heard jay call out from the kitchen, "you ready?" He sweetly asked.  "Yeah coming jay" she shouted back grabbing her purse and phone then left to get her jacket.  "Let's go" she said standing Infront of jay trying to hide her nerves.

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