Chapter 6- Eren

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His arms loosely wrap around my neck. He leans in and kisses me hungrily, but the feeling is pleasant. I slip my arms around his waist, moving him closer to me. He scoots up to the edge of the counter on which he is sitting, pressing himself into me. I want him against me forever. 

His legs wrap around my waist and his ankles cross at the small of my back, closing any of the microscopic distance that may have been there. He holds onto me like he doesn't want me to leave, and I have no intention of going anywhere. 

I wish I could hold him entirely. He kisses down my neck, forcing a me to sharply inhale. He continues up and down the length of my neck and I melt into him. He looks up at me with his cool, grey eyes. I can feel a smile tugging at the corner of my lips. I can feel my chest tightening, He moves to kiss me again, and I let him.  

My eyes drift open and I can hear the humming of my ceiling fan. I've kicked all my covers off. I sigh and close my eyes again. My chest feels tight, with anxiety or excitement, I can't tell. This dream is so vastly different from the other. It is so normal, so pleasant, so amazing

It almost feels more like a memory. 

But I had never met Levi until he picked up my english muffins for me today. Or, at least, I don't think I have. I had been having this dream for a couple nights now, as opposed to our regularly scheduled programming. It has been a nice reprieve (nice is an understatement) but it has left me feeling even more confused. 

When Levi stood up and was holding out what I had so clumsily dropped, my heart might as well have stopped. I felt like I wanted to throw up or jump up and down like a kid, brimming with excitement, or like I wanted to run in the opposite direction. Everything with these dreams has been so convoluted. I do not know what my mind is trying to tell me. 

Maybe it's him? 

I feel as if that is highly improbable, but I have zero answers at this point. Maybe I am thinking too hard about it. Maybe I am thinking of all the wrong things. 

I get coffee with Levi tomorrow, and I can't help but be excited. Maybe our outing will turn up some answers. 

I can feel myself drifting off to sleep again, and I hope that my dream picks up where it left off. 

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