Chapter 8- Eren

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This chapter made me pretty emotional while writing it. Definitely had to pause and scream into my pillow a few times. Also, listen to this song when you see the three lines 
(---) for the full effect. And with that, happy reading. :) 

Levi and I have been on a few dates now over the past couple weeks, and each one is better than the last. After our first coffee shop date, we met at a brunch place during his lunch break again, and then the one after that was a movie. I didn't pay much attention to the movie and its plot (Wizards, maybe? I truly don't remember), but I do remember his gray sweatshirt and the smell of his cologne, and that he bought me popcorn and his arm kept resting against mine on our shared armrest. I remember that my heart was pounding so hard that night I was worried the whole theater could hear it. 

He invited me over for dinner tonight at his place. He said he was going to cook something for us; What a dream. I'm supposed to be there by 6:30, and it's ten til six right now, so I've started getting ready. 

I've opted for a white button down shirt tucked into come black pants, with black dress shoes. I've rolled the sleeves of the shirt up to just below my elbows, and I've slicked my hair back as opposed to the usual man-bun kind of thing that I do. I keep finding myself walking aimlessly around my apartment, not really sure what to do with myself. I decide to leave a little early, not only to give me something to do, but also to stop on the way over and pick up some flowers. 

I stop by the grocery store, and pick up a bouquet of roses. Levi seems like he would prefer the classics. I do self checkout, and check my watch as I wait for my payment to process. I have about fifteen minutes, just enough time to get there. I hurry out to my car, flowers in hand, and head out towards his place. 

As I am driving I turn on some music to try and distract myself, but my palms get sweaty against the steering wheel. Things like this, as a rule, don't make me overly nervous. But, everything with Levi is different. The dreams I have about him are enough alone to make me nervous around him, let alone everything else. I still get nervous every single time. 

Before I know it, I'm pulling into the parking lot of his apartment complex. I find the building and get out of the car, turning off my GPS and grabbing the flowers. I head over to the stairs and head up to the third floor. With every step I climb, my heart beats a little faster, and not because I'm out of shape (I'm not). I get to the third floor, and his door is just off the staircase. I stand at the top, putting my phone in my pocket and taking a few seconds to compose myself. 

I knock on the door three times, and I can hear the faint sounds of classical music coming from inside. The doorknob rattles as he unlocks it, then its open and we're looking at one other. He's smiling up at me, and I'm smiling, too. 

"Hey, come in." Levi says quietly, and moves slightly to the side. 

I walk in and his apartment smells faintly of lemon, but more so of what he's cooking. 

"These are for you." I say, handing him the flowers. 

"Oh! Thank you so much, they're beautiful. I'm going to put them in a vase right now." He starts towards the kitchen, and says over his shoulder "You can leave your shoes by the door and come sit at the bar if you want." I do so and follow him into the kitchen. 

His kitchen has grey cupboards with gold hardware, and black, stone countertops. I take a seat on a bar stool, propping my head up on my hands and watching Levi as he puts the flowers in a vase. He's wearing an emerald green button down shirt tucked into black pants. Green looks really good on him. 

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