Chapter 11- Levi

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Minor season 2 & 3 spoilers 

I've been distracting myself with my work in trying to figure out these weird dreams until Friday evening. Otherwise, I would probably just lay in my bed and stare blankly at my ceiling and think of Eren; not that that's a bad thing, but life needs to go on, I suppose. 

On my lunch break, my stomach is tied in too many knots for me to even be remotely interested in food. I'm walking down the hall to Hange's office and the sound of my shoes on the tile makes my anxiety grow. I discovered something in all the reading that Hange gave me, and I really need some answers because I am a little lost. 

I stop in front of their closed office door, and take a deep breath. I tuck my book under my arm and rap my knuckles lightly against the dark wood, hearing some shuffling around inside. 

"Come in!" Hange yells. 

I open the door gently, and step in. Erwin is sitting in a chair opposite her desk, and Hange is standing at one of their bookshelves. 

"Hey guys." I say, closing the door behind me. "Am I interrupting?" 

"No, no, no, you're fine. Have a seat!" Hange is always so excited. 

I take the seat next to Erwin, right in front of the framed picture of Hange's cats, Sawney and Beane. I cross my legs and place my book on my lap. 

"So, what's up?" Hange asks, flopping down in their chair. 

"I actually have a question, about this" I gesture to the book. 

"Go ahead." they urge. 

"Well, I read in here that at a point in time,  it was a fairly common practice to experience your past lives via someone, or two people, placing their hands on your bare shoulder blades, and that it worked even better if you had known their souls in a past life? But that feels very vague to me." 

"So, people don't do that as much anymore simply because it just fell out of practice. People quit passing the practice down orally, so it was lost generations ago. There is also a lot of speculation around all of it because there is not a lot of science backing it. I have some primary sources, if you would like to take a look at them." She stands up and heads over to a different bookshelf. 

"I'll look at a few. But how does that procedure grant you access to those parts of your soul?" 

"I'm not really sure about the chemistry behind it. No real research has ever been done, and any that has, has been poorly recorded or just completely lost over time." They come back over to their desk with a couple documents and hand them to me. 

"May I see your book? I would like to read the part you're talking about. Erwin nudges me with his elbow. 

"Of course, it's the blue tab." I hand it over to him. I look back at Hange and they are looking at me very intently. 

"There is also another way to go about it, Levi." Her hands are folded over her mouth, their elbows propped up on the table. 

"And what's that?" I ask, tilting my head slightly to the right, and furrowing my brow.  

"We could try it." There's a mischievous glint in their eyes. I feel Erwin look up beside me. 

"Right now? I have a class in an hour." 

"Can we come over after we all get off?" 

"We?" Erwin chimes in. 

"Yes, we. You're here so that means you're involved, Erwin." Hange says pointedly; Erwin shrugs and goes back to reading.

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