Chapter 9- Levi

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Eren went home kind of late last night, around twelve or one. I slept fitfully, finally giving up around seven. I had my original dream again for the first time in a week or so. I wish I could tell Eren about the my recurring dream, maybe not the newest one, but definitely the one with me falling through the pine trees where he attempts to save me from the nightmare below. I was hoping that last nights events would offer my subconscious some distraction, or maybe some new material, but I suppose I got my hopes up. 

As soon as I was conscious this morning, it was all I could think about. The way he held his wine glass, the way he looked at me, the way he held me. I haven't felt tenderness like that in so long; I had pretty much come to the conclusion that I was not created for such intimacy. Everything last night felt so right. It felt like our bodies were made to be together, like a puzzle piece cliché. It was very fulfilling. 

I head into the bathroom and wash my face. I wipe it dry, and look at myself in the mirror. I bring my hand to my mouth and gingerly touch my bottom lip like Eren did last night. Kissing him was like having my first kiss all over again; it made every kiss that has ever come before it irrelevant. I feel so sappy for someone in their thirties. 

I hear my phone ping from my nightstand. I pick it up to look at the notification and my face breaks out in a smile. 


"Go ahead." I answer back. 

I sit on the bed as the little pulsing bubble pops up, waiting for his response. 

"Would you be mad if I brought you coffee?" 

"How could I say no to a cup of coffee?" I'm shake my head a little bit and laugh as I send my response. 

"I'll be there in ten." Damn, that's soon. 

"Okay :)" I throw my phone down on the bed and quickly hop in the shower. I probably smell like straight ass. 

As I'm letting the warm water cascade over my neck and shoulders, I wonder what taking a shower with Eren would be like. I blush pretty much automatically. I hate my brain and apparently it hates me just as much. I get out of the shower and get any excess water out of my hair, and then decide to let it air dry. I throw on some grey sweatpants and a long sleeved white shirt. I check my phone to see if he's said anything and brush my teeth at the same time. 

I decide to wait in the living room. My laptop is in there so I can pass the time by pretending to be productive. This is the longest ten minutes of my entire life. As I'm sorting through the dropbox submissions from Friday's assignment, my phone pings in my pocket. I pull it out and see the "I'm here!" text. Seconds later there's a knock at the door. I put my laptop on the table and head over. I take a deep breath and open the door. 

"Hey." Eren is smiling at me and his eyes are bright as ever. He's holding a cup of coffee in either hand. 

"Hey, come in." He walks in and takes his shoes off. 

"Would you like to sit down?" I ask and gesture toward the couch. Why does romance always feel different during the day time? 


He hands me my coffee and I sit on my feet on one side of the couch and he sits at the other.  I position myself so I can face him and hold my coffee cup in both hands, letting it warm up my finger tips. 

"I'm going to be honest, I only went out and got coffee because I wanted an excuse to see you again." Eren says and looks at me with a smirk. I could kiss him. 

"You can come over whenever you want." I offer. It comes out kind of jokingly but I meant it wholeheartedly. 

"Alright, I'll move in tomorrow then." He says, and we both laugh. 

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