Chapter 13- Eren

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It's been roughly a week and a half since Levi and I have seen one another. He's been pretty busy with work; he says it's midterms for his students. I've been fairly busy with work, but also fairly busy with missing him. 

The lines of what Levi and I are, and what we are not, are blurred, seeing as we've been distracted with living our day to day lives and sorting out the situation at hand. One thing that is crystal clear, though, is how much I like him. Not a day goes by that I don't think of his sharp, blue eyes, his dark, smooth hair, and his soft, firm hands. When I dream of him, the only thing that motivates me out of bed is knowing that I get to hold him when I wake up. 

I'm in my office at work, drawing a design on my drawing tablet, when my phone rings in my bag. I pull my bag off the table near the door, and rummage around for my phone, trying not to miss the call in the event that it's important. I finally am able to reach it at the very bottom of my bag, just in time for it to go to voicemail. I turn the screen back on, seeing the notification for a missed call from Levi. I call him back, and he picks up almost immediately. 

"Hey, you rang?" I set my bag down back on its table, and return to my seat, sandwiching my phone between my ear and shoulder to keep drawing. 

"Yeah, I was wondering when you were free?" 

I glance at my watch, seeing that it's 4:30. "In about thirty minutes, why? What's up?" 

"Do I need legitimate excuses to see you now?" He says, his voice monotone as per usual. 

"Never. Wanna meet me at my place at 5:30?" I switch my phone from one ear to the other. 

"That's okay with me; your roommate won't mind though, right?" 

"No, he won't. I don't even know if he's there right now, anyway." 

"Okay, I'll see you soon then." 

"Alright, see you soon Angel." I say, and hang up. 

Well this day just got a million times better. 


I get off work later than I thought I would, so Levi and I actually end up in the parking lot at the same time. I get out of my car, slinging my bag over my shoulder and then make my way over to where he's standing, leaning against his car. He has on a cream colored sweater, with two thin black lines around either cuff and one around the collar, with black dress pants and black dress shoes. He looks so handsome in his work attire, but then again I think it's impossible for Levi to look bad in anything. 

"Hey." I say as I get closer to him. 

"Hello." He responds, pushing himself up off his passenger side door. 

I walk up to him and snake my hand around his waist, pulling him closer to me, and planting a kiss on his forehead. He looks up at me, and I smile at him. His cheeks are barley pink and there is a faint smile adorning his lips. 

"Let's go inside, shall we?" I offer, moving my hand from around his waist to holding his hand, leading him up the stairs. 

I unlock the door, and we head inside. I loosen the tie around my neck and place my bag on the counter. Levi is leaning against the counter with his hands propping up his head. He's watching me as I take off my tie and undo a couple buttons at the top of my shirt. I feel the involuntary heat creep into my face as he watches me move around the kitchen, and try to hide it by opening up the fridge. 

"Would you like something to drink?" I ask him, slightly failing to disguise the tremble in my voice. 

"I'm okay, thank you." He says. I can hear the his faint footsteps as he moves into the kitchen to lean against my kitchen counter with his arms crossed. 

Angel [Ereri/Riren]Where stories live. Discover now