Chapter 12- Levi

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Eren is coming over around six, and he offered to bring dinner. I'm really glad he offered (I would never let him know that) because ever since yesterday with Hange and Erwin I've been a mess. I slept like shit (nothing new there) and I've been anxious all day. 

I can't decide on whether or not to say anything to Eren. Last time I saw him, he seemed really determined to understand what was going on and find a solution. But I feel as if me presenting him with what happened yesterday could go one of two ways: he either thinks it's actually progress and we figure out our next move, or he calls me crazy and takes himself and his Chinese takeout and marches out the front door. Obviously, I am hoping for the former, but there is still so much unknown. 

Eren will be here any minute, but until then I've decided to lay face down on top of my already made bed and just groan into the void every once in a while. This is definitely wrinkling my shirt, so I sit up and just sit on the edge of my bed and stare at the carpet. I roll my shoulders back and lift my arms in the air, stretching out my shoulders. The skin on my upper back still feels a little taught, but it's not as bad as last night. 

Just when I'm about to lay back down, I hear a knock on my door. I shoot to my feet and go to answer it, my anxiety spiking but I quickly try and swallow it. I smooth out the front  of my shirt, and then reach for the door. 

"Hi." I breathe out, an involuntary smile creeping onto my face. 

"Hello, Angel." Eren says, a bag of takeout in his right hand. 

I step aside so that Eren can come in, and I look down at my feet so that he can't see me blushing. When I don't see his feet walk past me, I look up and nearly knock my nose against his chin with how close to me he is standing. He snakes his free hand around my waist, pulling me against him. My mouth opens slightly in surprise, and my hands are pressed against his firm chest. He 's looking down at me with a mischievous glint in his bright eyes, and I feel the blush creeping up my neck onto my face. He leans down and kisses me swiftly, leaving a tingling feelings on my lips, then pulling away as quick as he swooped in. When he has stepped back and into the house, carefully slipping his shoes off, I take the takeout from him and get it out on the counter. We each take our food, and head over to the couch, where I already had Netflix opened up. We pick a random movie, and eat, making casual remarks every once in a while about the plot. 

After finishing our food, we stay on our respective ends of the couch. I have my arm draped over the back, and as I'm watching the TV, I feel Eren's fingers lightly touch mine, then loosely intertwining with them. I glance over at him, and he's staring straight ahead, absentmindedly rubbing his thumb over my first three fingers. For the first time since I've met him, I don't feel anxious or apprehensive. Everything about this feels right, and I am completely at peace with it. 

The movie ends, and Eren shifts on the couch so that he is facing me. I do the same, and when my eyes meet his, he's smiling, but he looks slightly troubled. He looks a little more tired than usual, and his eyelids look heavy. 

"Is everything okay?" I ask, leaning my head on my shoulder. 

"Yeah, I'm alright, just a bit tired." He smiles at me sleepily. 

"Did you need to go home?" 

"No, no, no, I'm fine. I don't want to go home yet." He says, and scoots a little closer so that our knees are touching. 

I search his face with my eyes, trying to engrave in into my mind for when he leaves, and for when I will inevitably miss him. As I'm looking at him, I watch something shift behind his eyes. They get a little darker, and his smile fades slowly. I reach out with my free hand and gently touch his face, rubbing my thumb on his cheekbone just below his eye, causing them to flutter shut. He sighs softly, and leans into my hand, bringing his other hand up to cover mine. He then turns his head slightly, pressing his lips softly to my palm in a small kiss, and turns back to face me. His skin adjacent to mine is a deep, olive color; he makes me look like a vampire. His eyes open, immediately meeting mine. I can't help but think about kissing him, wondering if I still can. 

Angel [Ereri/Riren]Where stories live. Discover now