Chapter 16- Levi

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This is it! Thank you to everyone that waited for me, and held space for me while I finished this. And thank you most of all to everyone that has read this far. You all hold such a special place in my heart. 

Happy reading :)


My eyes drift open, and I let my lids linger, giving myself time to adjust to the sun pouring in through my window. I must've forgotten to close the curtains before I drifted off last night. 

My eyes drift further, and I hear a slight sigh next to me. My stomach leaps into my throat, and I almost reach to grab my phone out of fear, but I dart my now wide eyes to the side, and see Eren laying on his back; his chest bare, hair messy, right arm outstretched while the other clutches a pillow to his chest. 

Once my breathing slows, I turn onto my side, propping myself up on one elbow to get a better look at him. The sun stretches in further as it climbs into the sky, casting golden stripes across his face. Dust motes dance through the light, and Eren breathes in deeply, letting out a long breath. He stirs slightly, turning onto his side facing away from me, moving the pillow to his chest. But, from my spot, I can still see his face. 

My eyes are steady as I try to take in every last bit of him. His forehead is smooth, free of worry. His eyebrows are dark, framing his light eyes. His nose slopes perfectly into his cupid's bow, sitting atop his perfect lips, his mouth parted slightly as he sleeps. 

I lightly touch his bicep, applying just enough pressure to make him roll onto his back once more. I sweep a few stray pieces of hair off his forehead. He stirs lightly, but does not wake. I lean down slowly, careful not to move the bed too much as to not disturb him. I press my lips lightly against his forehead, then on each of his eye lids, the tip of his nose, each of his cheeks, his chin, and then I lean back to look at him once more. 

"You can kiss me." Eren says, his voice gravely and deep from lack of use. My breath hitches. 

I lean down once more, pressing a soft, short kiss to his mouth, and lean back up, my cheeks warm. 

"Do you always stare at people while they sleep?" He asks groggily, opening one eye before throwing his arm across them, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. 

God dammit, he is so fucking beautiful. I am so in love with him. I feel myself begin to involuntarily smile at how lucky I am to have this greek god of a man in my bed. 

"Oi, Angel." He says, snapping me out of my thoughts with a poke to my chest. 

"Huh?" I say, my own voice threaded with sleep. 

"What are you smiling at?" He moves his arm and looks me dead in the eye. My smile grows wider and I do not remember the last time I have smiled this genuinely. He looks at me with confusion and the remnants of sleep swimming in his eyes, his brow furrowed. "I asked you a question" he says, with the quirk of an eyebrow. 

"You did?" I tilt my head to the side, letting my ear rest on my bare shoulder. "When?" 

"Just now." He props himself up on his elbow, mirroring me. 

"What was it?" I scoot a little closer. 

"What are you smiling at?" I can hear a repressed smile of his own in his voice. 

"Don't worry about it." I can't help but glance down at his mouth, but he does not notice. 

"Tell me." He pushes his lips forward into a pout. I only hum in response. 

Angel [Ereri/Riren]Where stories live. Discover now