Two clone troopers were on bikes moving as fast as they can. "Does that thing even need rest?" One of the clones asked. "It's been running for how long now?"
"About half an hour."
"And your sure this thing isn't a droid."
"The bio scan says so. Speaking of which the admiral says it stopped of there." He pointed at s small village in the distance.
"Then let's go."
The two clone troopers stopped their bikes at the small twi'lek village. The village had smoke coming from the center of it. "Your sure this is where that thing went, Page?" The clone trooper spoke with rage and was ready to fight.
"Easy Breaker. Remember what that thing did to Chaser."
"Yeah, I know. Come on."
Both troopers raised their blasters and carefully swept the village. The troopers only heard the wind and their footsteps but nothing else. They were even far enough to not hear sounds of fighting.
"I've got a bad feeling about this." Breaker said.
"Hold it." Page pointed to a small group of droids laying on the ground. "Droids. They've been destroyed though."
Upon closer inspection the troopers see that droids have been destroyed by unusual means.
"Their damage was much more efficient but brutal at the same time." Page said, "These shots were clean but seemed to have ripped apart their wiring."
"So what." Breaker grumbled. "That thing destroyed them. That is what matters and nothing else. I don't see the point of what your doing?"
Page then picked up a small metal object, "Because, we can find out more about our enemy." He handed it to Breaker.
"This is a slug. Why would it be using a slug thrower?"
"Who cares." Page mocked. "It destroyed the droids and that's all that matters."
"Shut up." Breaker growled. "Let's just keep moving."
As they moved in closer to the center of the village they stepped over more droids. Some with simple slug wounds but others being brutally torn apart. They find parts scattered across the village. Still no sign of any life. Then the sounds of mumbles were heard around one of the corners. Page held up his hand and both troopers listened.
" Twi'leks." Page whispered.
They round the corner to see the twi'leks talking to each other. One of the twi'leks notices the troopers and calls out for them. The clones don't understand a word any of them are saying but approach anyways.
"Anything." Breaker whispers.
"Nothing, but the General should know what their saying." Page pulls up small device and a holographic General Kenobi appears fighting droids. "General. The thing we were chasing led us to an already freed village. We believe whatever it is did this."
"Well good. I'm a little busy at the moment so give me your coordinates and I'll be there."
"Yes sir." Page puts the device up. "Let's see if that thing is still here."
"What makes you think it stayed here?" Breaker questioned.
They noticed that the twi'leks were somewhat pushing them to one of the buildings. "Just a hunch." Page says. The tei'leks were still pushed them and talking in a language they didn't understand.
"I would rather fight droids then figure out what their saying." Breaker comments.
"At least be respectful Breaker."
"What do you mean?" Breaker protested.
As they enter the building they see a table layed out with scraps of food and some water. The clones then see what they were coming for.
"Blast it." Breaker mutters as he inspects the target. "Just what are you."

Hyperspace Anomaly
FanfictionHalfway into the Clone Wars Jedi master Obi-wan is taking back Ryloth from the Separatist droid army. The General gets notified of an object coming out of hyperspace and is currently burling down to the planet's surface. The object appears to be a s...