The night has its passing winds
Coldness bites on your skin
Alone in a vast field of green
And a mind that can get meanLie down on the cold ground
The grass tickles you around
In the dark skies, you found
A feeling of being frowned uponThen, above you, a blanket unfolds
And you realize you're not alone
"You know you might catch a cold"
Emerald Green came to console"Why has Green come this time?"
You question what were the signs
The owner of the green eyes smiled
"To give you this blanket of mine"The two of you lied on the ground
To watch the stars you can't count
"Were your thoughts pulling you down?"
Emerald Green caught your frown"Then, you must believe this for me"
Pointing at the stars for you to see
"May those stars be your keys
To set your heart afire and be free"How wonderful and beautiful you are
You owe so much love in your heart
Give it to yourself and shine like a star
Like a walking sculpture, a breathing artThe night has its passing winds
Now, warmth embraces your skin
Lying on the vast field of green
Emerald smiles upon your sleep"Where there is unhappiness
Know the existence of brightness
Give yourself a little bit of kindness
You can be the light to your darkness"
Short Poems and Spoken Poetry
PoezjaShort poems and spoken poetry that wishes to touch the readers' hearts.