Smile! | Poetry

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Here is my reminder
A poem for the fighter

SMILE when all about you
     loses hope and degrades you
SMILE when you are true
     so the winner will be you
SMILE when it's true
     and reach your heart with a phew

You are beautiful for being you
Wait 'till people accept the truth
You are lovely as you come through
Lend and share the love I had blew
For you are beautiful, lovely
Yes, it's truly you

I'm not one to lie
So, I reckon forgiveness
For my mind cannot abide
The words that swirl in minutes
Since I can't describe
My adoration's richness

Hold the flowers of hope
The crayons of scope
The balloons of glory
The flames of vitality

You are ferocious yet mellow
You are a fighter and a fellow
You are needed and heeded
You are good as you stood
You are loved, not unloved
You are appreciated, not hated
You are remembered like December

Your existence brings fire
A life that set warmth to another
Hey, that another is me, woohoo!
You know, 'cause I owe this all to you

Some wants to abuse you
Some are very untrue
Though the mind accepts slur
Inferiority complex nods too
Their insults in a queue
But remember my words too

You are loved and it's not new
You're wonderful, appreciated too

Here's my attempt at a poem
Excuse all my mistakes as a poet
I just want to make it known
That you're great as you've shown

My friend, just be you
Reach your top, be the smile
Know that I'll always be there
To say: I'm proud of you

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