37| Need

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You know I'm proud looking in your lovely face scream my name, you do it so loud

-Trey Songz


Theo walked to me, his eyes holding me captivated. They were dark, dark with desire. He was looking at me like I was his prey, he was stalking towards me and his eyes never left mine. I felt hot just by his gaze.

He snaked his arms around my waist and pulled me to him, crashing his lips against mine. He kissed me hard and fast, rough. "You look so fucking sexy, Mia. So sexy."

"Thank you." I smiled at him. "You look sexy as well."

Guys in suits looked sexy indeed. And since my boyfriend was already hotter than most of the male population, he looked way, way sexier. It was sinning.

He gazed down. I'd noticed his eyes were finding it very difficult to look away from the heels. I smiled when he swore under his breath and shifted uncomfortably. I could feel the powerful waves of desire and lust coming out from his body. The fact that I had such an effect on him made me feel powerful, it made me feel as if I was in control.

"You like what I'm wearing, baby?" I whispered in his ear, deliberately grazing his shell.

His grip on my waist tightened. "I do. But it'll look much better on my floor."

I gasped inaudibly.

"And when I claim my gift tonight," He whispered in my ear, his fingers lightly grazing my sides, making me shiver. "I will make sure this sexy outfit adorns my floor."

His tongue peeked out to lick my earlobe, teasing, taunting. I clutched his coat tightly, feeling my legs turn jittery. "And I'll claim my gift when you're in nothing, but those heels."

I felt the control I had momentarily thought I had, vanish away from me and go back to him. He was supporting my entire weight because my legs had turned numb. Never had anyone said something to me that had made me feel so fucking hot. Never had anyone made me feel like he did. 

"Does that scare you, Mia?" Flashbacks from our first kiss entered my mind.

I want to mark you, I want to do everything that will make you mine. Does it scare you?

"No." I said to him. "It doesn't."

His eyes softened.

"It's you. I know you'll not let anything happen to me. I know I don't have to be scared when it's you."

He stroked my cheek with the pad of his thumb. "You'll never fall, angel. I'll always, always catch you."

"I know." I wanted to tell him I loved him. I wanted to see the pure joy on his face when he'd know how I felt. But I wanted that moment to be ours, and ours alone. I wanted to be the only one to see his reaction. I couldn't let anyone else see him unguarded and raw, his emotions visible. So I shut my mouth when he told me he loved me. I would tell him when we go over to the penthouse.

I spent the night plastered to his side. He won't let me leave. I was introduced to a major amount of his family, and I felt my stomach about to burst from laughter when I met his aunts. His arm was glued to my waist the entire night. He told me wanted me by his side every second, and since I'd told him I'll give him anything he wanted today, I complied. 

"I'm bored." He whispered in my ear.

"It's your party, Theo." I chuckled.

"No, if it had been my party there wouldn't be so many people. My mom has invited guests I don't even know." He whined. "Mia, I'm bored."

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