10| Crushed

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Feel like I'm losing you



I frowned, "That's so wrong."

Noah chuckled and shook his head, "Once you read the entire book, you'll understand she did the right thing."

I gasped, "She cheated on him! How can that ever be something right?"

"He pushed her to that extent. He didn't treat her right, and she deserved much better."

"So she should have broken up with him and then slept with someone else. Pushed or not, cheating can never be considered right."

"You and I are very different people,we have very different thoughts."


I heard the sound of an engine rumbling, and seconds later I heard the front door open. His footsteps echoed. My eyes widened and I scrambled to my feet, my brain all over the place.

"He wasn't supposed to back so soon." I hissed and looked at Noah with alarm in my eyes. He looked confused, "Hide in the bathroom."

"What? But why? What's going on?"

Before I could do anything, the door to my room was slammed open and I saw his livid face, stalking inside. My father had always been a tall man, and I felt as small as a mouse in front of him.

"Like mother, like daughter." He seethed out as he looked at Noah, giving him a once over, his eyes coming to rest on his face, then meeting my eyes, "Who is this, Amelia?"

"My-he's my friend." I whispered.

"What is the name?" His voice boomed in my room.

"Noah Archway, sir. You have a beautiful house." Noah replied to him confidently. His head was high, his posture straight. His demeanor screamed that he wasn't afraid of my father.

That was the biggest mistake he made.

My father smiled at him sickly, "Did you fuck my daughter?"

Noah faltered for a moment, seemingly shocked by my father's vulgar language for his own flesh and blood. "No."

"But you were planning on it, weren't you?"

"No, she's my friend."

My father met my eyes, his blue orbs the only feature I'd inherited. I could see my reflection in them, scared, panicked, sweaty. His words were powerful as he said, "Get out." His words were directed at Noah, but I could feel the hidden meaning behind it.

Noah looked unsure. So I shook my head at him softly, conveying that I would be okay. I wanted to laugh at my flat out lie. I would never be okay when my father was seething like this. He would never lay a finger on me, I knew that, but like some very rare people, my father was gifted with a venomous tongue, his words were more capable to hurt someone than his blows.

When Noah was out of the front door, I shuffled my feet, looking down, gulping my fear.

"What were you doing with that boy, Amelia?"


"Do not fucking lie to me!" He shouted out and I flinched. He didn't seem to notice, "I will not let you become like your mother, Amelia. Do you understand me? You are my daughter, I will not let you open your legs for every fucking guy you see. You are forbidden to see that boy from now on."

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