41| Fast and Slow

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I see your face even when my eyes are shut

-Nick Jonas


"Call me, if you need anything." Mason kissed the top of Mia's head. "And take care."

She hugged him tightly, then stepped back and leaned into me. I wrapped an arm around her, nodding at Mason, conveying with my eyes that she was safe with me. I would never let anything happen to her.

Mia was coming with me to the penthouse. We both felt that we needed each other at the moment, because of the Noah drama, and also because we hadn't been together for two days. I needed her in my arms. I needed her close to me. 

The drive to the penthouse was silent. She was looking out of the window, but reached out to grab my hand from the steering wheel and intertwine our fingers. My grip tightened as I held her hand.

"He-he said-"

"Not now, Mia."

"He said he'd kill you." She whispered softly. I could hear the tightness of her voice, the way it choked because of the tears.

I didn't say anything. I didn't know what to.

"What if-what if something happens? Theo, maybe we should-"

"Do not complete that sentence, Mia." I said forcefully. "Don't you dare."

"What if he does something to you? He could hurt you, Theo how would I live with that? If he hurts you, I-"

"Nothing will happen, okay? He was just trying to scare you."

"Yeah well he was successful. I am scared." She said. "He looked mad. He looked as if he was possessed and-"

"I don't want to talk about him anymore. Enough about him." I said, clenching the wheel tightly. She didn't say anything but I could feel her thinking. I could feel her wanting to cry. She was hurting inside, and she was trying her best to not show, but I saw.

I parked the car, looking at her. She didn't look at me. I got out of the car, waiting for her to come. She didn't leave the car. I opened the door to the passenger side, holding her hand, trying to help her out. But when she didn't leave, I placed one of my hands around her legs and the other one behind her back, slinging her into my arms bridal style.

"Theo! What the-what are you doing?" She squeaked out. Her hands came around my neck automatically.

"I'm carrying you since you were not in the mood to leave the car."

She rested her head against my chest, above my heart. We entered the elevator, and her hands tightened around my neck as she lifted up and pinned her lips on mine. "I love you."

"I love you, angel."

"I can't let anything happen to you. I wouldn't be able to live if he does something to you. You will-"

"Nothing is gonna happen." I whispered. "I'm fine. I'll be fine."

Tobias wasn't back from wherever he'd gone. Mia pushed me inside my room, and closed the door behind her, pulling me down against her mouth. Her mouth felt soft and rough at the same time. She tasted like chocolate and her normal self, like my angel.

Her hands lifted my t-shirt up, but when neither of us made a move to tear our lips apart, she left my shirt and coiled her arms around my neck, pressing herself closer to me. I grabbed her hips, hoisting her up, making her wrap her legs around me. I carried us over to bed, laying down with her on top of me.

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