45| Revelations

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I'm living in a daydream, nothing that could wake me now



I first realized things weren't right when I was lying on the ground, wondering what I'd done wrong that made her go to him. I remembered her words. She'd told me Noah's intentions weren't to hurt me, they were to take me away from her so that he could get a chance with her again. We'd been so busy thinking he would go after me, but his easiest way would be to go after her, because we weren't expecting it.

I'd jumped up from the ground, grabbed my phone in my hand, the screen broken because I'd thrown it on the wall after reading the message and dialed Dean's number. He picked up in four rings, like he always did. 

"Mia's gone."

"What? Where?" He asked. I heard shuffling from the other side.

"Mia is gone. She left me a message, breaking up with me and telling me she loves her ex boyfriend-"

"Whoa whoa whoa, dude, chill down. What's going on?" I heard him clearer this time, meaning he'd gone out of the room, into the hall.

"You remember that guy from the football trials?" When he hummed, I continued. "He is Mia's ex. That's a long story. He came back because he still has feelings for her and he threatened her to hurt me if she didn't leave me. And now he has her."

There was silence on the other end. "What do mean has her?" He asked finally.

"I don't know. The message said that she is going away for a while to clear her head and that he was with her. Dude, he sent me that message, Mia didn't. I don't know what he's doing with her. If he hurts her-"

"Theo, listen to me." Dean said, I heard the engine of a car being started. "I'm on my way to your house right now, okay? We'll see it from there."

He arrived ten minutes later to find me pacing in my living room. He made me sit down on the couch but that didn't help my panicked state. I couldn't stop thinking about how she would be, where she was. If that motherfucker touched a hair on her head I would tear him apart by his fucking limbs.

"How do you know he kidnapped her?" Dean asked me. "How can you be so sure that the message was sent by him and not actually her?"

"Because I know her." I said urgently. "She wouldn't break up with me over text. And it said that she'd been spending time with him but that's a lie because she has stayed with me since that day. She hasn't left my side."

I threw away the vase kept on the counter, letting it break into pieces, letting it resemble the state of my heart. My heart was breaking into a million more pieces than the fucking vase.

"Theo, calm down, we'll find her." He went over inside to make a phone call. I knew he was talking to Scott.

I love you, Theo.

I'd failed her. I'd promised to keep her safe and always protect her. I'd broken my promise to her. She was falling down and I wasn't there to catch her. I slammed my fist in the wall, not flinching when my knuckles throbbed with pain. The physical pain was nothing compared to the mental trauma I was in.

"Theo, Theo! Dude, punching the wall isn't going to help us." Dean pushed me away and forced me to sit down.

"What do I do? What the fuck do I do? She's gone and I don't know where she is, or how she is, or what he is doing with her. I- what if something happens to her?" My body turned numb when that thought entered my mind. 

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