47| Small and Strong

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Baby you light up my world like nobody else

-One Direction


Theo dropped down to the ground.

For the second time since I'd met him, I saw tears running down his eyes like rain.

I choked back a sob when I saw him crying, trying to reach out to him, but the handcuff prevented me. His teary eyes met mine, and they roamed around my figure to check for injuries. I saw a flash of anger flare in them when he saw my wrist, but it was gone. He looked scared. It was the first time I was seeing him be scared.

"An-angel." He managed to stand up, but Noah pushed him down on the ground.

"Don't touch him!" I shouted. Noah glared at me, but made his way over to where I was sitting, making me move away. The gun was still in his hand.

"I-I couldn't do it." He whispered meekly. That was the moment I realized the pain in my hand. I screamed in agony when I saw the bullet embedded in my forearm. Noah panicked, pulling my hand in his but I whipped it away. 

I cried out in pain. That seemed to snap Theo out of his daze because he got up and rushed to my side, holding my hand in his, kissing my forehead.

"Move away!" Noah said.

"Now now, big boy. Step the fuck down and hand over the gun to me." Scott appeared from the door. "We don't want any trouble here."

"Who are you?"

Scott smirked. "I'm your worst nightmare, asshole."

Then things happened too fast for me to comprehend. Scott moved towards him, grabbing Noah's hand, making him press the trigger. Another gun shot resounded in the room. I didn't have the energy to turn my head around and make sure everything was okay, because my arm was on fire. It felt like I was dying.

"Shh, here, look at me. Eyes on me, angel." Theo tore a part of the bed sheet, wrapping it around the bullet that was still in my arm. 

I whimpered, "It-it hurts."

"I know, baby. I'm so sorry. But you're gonna be fine."

Scott had Noah in a headlock. When I made sure Scott was okay and had the upper hand, I looked away. Noah was stupid, he didn't even know how a gun operated, he couldn't shoot. I bit my lip to prevent myself from screaming.

"Focus on me." Theo whispered urgently. "Baby please keep your eyes open. Look at me, don't look away."

"I-I'm gonna die." I whispered meekly.

"Shut the fuck up." He hissed out. "You were shot in your fucking arm, Mia, not the heart."

I cracked a smile. "But it feels like I am dying."

"I will kill you!" I heard Noah shout. He still had the gun but Scott had a firm grip on his hand, preventing it from moving. His eyes were glaring at Theo's back. "I will fucking kill you."


Theo heaved a sigh of relief when we heard that. Suddenly the room was surrounded by police officers. One of them grabbed Noah by his shirt, took the gun away from him like it was child's play, and pushed him to another officer.

"No- no! You've got it all wrong. I was trying to protect myself and my girlfriend. These two guys had kidnapped her and-" 

"Noah Archway, you are under arrest for the attempted murder of Amelia Parker. Anything you say may be used against you in a court of la."

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