39| Spilling Tears

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Cause nothing can ever, ever replace you, nothing can make me feel like you do

-Justin Bieber


Two days of misery.

Two days of not seeing him.

Two days of not talking to him.

I was suddenly transported to that time when he'd left and I'd been regretting not telling him my true feelings. But this time it was worse. It was worse because he'd gone away believing something that wasn't true. And I hadn't even got a chance to explain to him everything. What made it worse was that I knew he was at the penthouse but I couldn't go over. He hadn't even come to uni since that day.

I had called him even though he'd asked me not to. If he thought I'd just let him go especially over something that wasn't true then he was wrong. I'd called him almost hundred times but he never picked up. I'd left him messages but he never answered. And then I started thinking if I'd lost him for good. But I shook away that thought just as soon as it had come, there was no way I was letting him go. He needed space, I'll give him that. But he wasn't leaving me.

Uncle Mason had returned a day before so I was back at my house. My stuff was still at the penthouse, and I was too much of a coward to face Theo, so I didn't go to get it. I didn't want to see him because I was afraid he'd leave me. I was too afraid to let than happen. 

There was a series of knocks at the door. It was afternoon, Uncle Mase was at work, so I didn't know who it could be. When I opened the door, a small smile lifted my lips up. "Scott."

He gave me a hug, coming in. "How have you been? I feel like I haven't seen you in days."

"I've been okay, I guess?"

He raised an eyebrow. "Have you really?"

I sighed, I guess it wasn't news that Theo and I'd had our first official fight, a very bad one for the record. And somewhere deep inside me I knew Scott was here to sort it out. I could see by his body posture, by the way he sat and took a deep breath, clasping his hands, elbows on his knees. He looked up at me with a solemn face.

"Is he okay?" I asked hurriedly. "Please tell me he's okay. I don't like the way you're looking at me. Did something happen to him?"

"He's fine." He said, waving a hand. "Physically." He added softly.

"What does that mean?"

"He's...not okay, actually. He's, uh-"

"Just spit it out."

"He's drunk." He said bluntly. "He's been drunk for the past two days. He has not eaten, he has not come out of his room. He isn't talking to anyone."

I clutched the back of the couch tightly to support myself. A wrecked sob erupted from my throat at the thought of him being in pain because of me. Theo rarely drank, and even when he did he'd always be sober because of the small quantity. 

"I don't know what happened with you two. But I know that both of you are miserable. Both of you are in pain. And both of you need to resolve things."

I looked down.

"Not talking isn't helping." He said softly. "I can see it on your face that you're not okay."

"What do I do? He doesn't want to talk to me-"

"What do you do?" Scott raised an eyebrow and scoffed. "What you do is make him talk to you. Let's face it, he never listened to you when you asked him to stay away. Why the fuck are you listening to him?"

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