Trouble at Work

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Lydia sat quietly at her desk, typing away. Writing a code sheet for work when she suddenly felt a shiver go down a spine. She paused. The tapping of her keyboard falling silent as she stopped. 

There was a presence in the room. Something dark. Something evil. Something that would send small children running into their mom and dads room screaming. 

She could feel it getting closer and closer... 

It was like something cold and something dark was filling the air around her... 

It was getting closer...

And closer...

And closer...


"BJ, what are you doing?"

"Awh! How did you know it was me!?"

Lydia smirked, not taking her eyes away from the screen as she continued typing once more. Betelgeuse stood disappointed behind her, arms up as if he were about to scare her. It was no use though, Lydia felt little to no fear when it came to such things.

"Give it up BJ, it doesn't work on me, remember?"

"Yeah yeah..." Betelgeuse waved his hands in disinterest. Moving over to Lydia's side and jumping up onto her desk.

"Or maybe your just losing your touch?" Lydia teased, though judging by the demon's jaw unlocking in shock horror, almost fainting off the desk in an overly dramatic manner, he took it a little more personly. 

"How DARE you!" He squeaked, his voice taking on that overly dramatic tone as well. 

"I'm the best spook in the whole spookin business!"

Lydia chuckled but quickly stopped when an email popped up on her screen.

"Ugh... Julia... What does she want..."

"Hmm? Who's Julia?"

"My boss... Hmm... Wait... WHAT!?"

"What!? What is it!? Does she have Hemroids!? Herpies!?"


"Worse than the purple herps? Oh jeez..."

"Much worse... She wants to have the monthly meetings here, at my place..."

Lydia slumped down into her chair, rubbing her temples roughly as Betelgeuse looked over in light amusement. It was their first full day together, one day down and six more to go until their wedding. Yet, he felt like they had been hanging together forever. It was like the good old days when he had scared off her pesky father the first time, just not far enough. Those few days they spent together were pure bliss. They were best friends. That is until he let his self-esteem get the better of him and tricked Lydia into almost destroying her adoptive parents. Still, it felt like they had just picked up from where they had left off. 

"Hey, what's the problem? I don't even know why you have a job. I mean, ain't yo daddy rich as fuck?"

"Yeah, but he got me working for one of his companies in the area... Just as a coding monkey but still. If I could quite I would..."

"Why don't ya?"

"Why don't I what?"


"As I said, I have no choice, my dad kind of made me- Oh..."


"But he's not here anymore..."


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