Here Comes the Bride

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Lydia's bright red dress dragged across the wooden floor. Black roses clutched in hand.

Charles and Delia sat off to the side, Delia a sobbing mess. Charles anxious and fiddling with his black tux. 

Betelguese stood at the end of the velvet made carpet lining. His hair slicked back and hands not quite sure what to do with themselves. 

Lydia stopped in front of BJ. Between them stood the old man priest. She passed the flowers on to the priest and he set the flowers down beside him. 

The two held hands and excitedly looked into each other's eyes. 

"Are you ready?"

"Of course, Babes!"

The two looked to the priest and the old man began to speak in a deep, gruff tone. His words shaking like tremours with each syllable. 

"We are gathered here today... To celebrate life and deaths greatest moments and to cherish the words which shall unite Lydia Deetz and Bet-"

"Ah ah ah! Ixnay on the BJ!"

The priest sighed but continued. 

"Do you, Lydia, take B-... This man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death and after?"

"I do."

"Do you, take Lydia Deetz to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from th-"

"Fuckin Ay!"



"I now pronounce you Husband and Wife. You may kiss the bride."

Lydia felt her body dip as the man above her kissed her. 

Delia burst into tears and began clapping hysterically. Charles merely gave a light clap of congratulations. 

Betelguese felt his body change and when he opened his eyes to see Lydia's, he knew it had happened. He was free. He was human. 


"Y-Yes? Did it work? Husband~" The gothic girl hummed excitedly. 

"It did! Oh god, it did! We have to fuck! Right now!"

"WHAT!?" Lydia and Charles yelled at the same time as Betelguese lifted Lydia up onto the closest table nook and started to lift the puffy dress up over her knee's.

"I can feel everything! Everything better than before! I need the first real thing I feel to be you, wifey~"

Lydia burst into laughter and wasn't at all resistant.  She was happy for Betelguese to fall into her arms as he roughly began to pick and pull her dress apart. 

Eventually, they completely blocked out the other people in the room and they all had to just leave the two alone awkwardly. Even Charles, who had to be dragged away by Delia. 

The two embraced each other in the living room and was excited to get straight to the consummation of their marriage.

The bride and groom had never been happier. 

Being Dead Thing - Lydia x BetelgeuseWhere stories live. Discover now