The Sleepover

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Booze, take out and more booze! After Lydia recovered from her sickness and after BJ was so kind to take care of her during that very brief amount of time, she decided to reward the demon by throwing an honest to god sleepover. 

The living room quickly filled with blankets and pillows. They moved the couch aside and filled the table with every bit of booze they could buy and as they sat on their makeshift beds, they watched horror movie after horror movie. Eating junk food and getting wasted. 

"HAH! That reminds me of my uncle Jerry!"

"Why? They look similar?"

"No, they both got their tongues cut out."

The two cackled, tipping over, leaning onto each other for support as they're eyes looked over the bright screen playing a movie they had seen a billion times before. 

Lydia had gotten drunk far before Betelguese but that was mainly because it took a lot of alcohol to get him drunk. By the time Lydia was giggling at nothing and having a hard time seeing straight, BJ had a light buzz. 

Lydia leaned on Betelguese's shoulder, the two of them had glazed over eyes and actually seemed peaceful. 

The goth girl slowly shifted her head and looked up at the gruff looking man focused on the television. Something seemed different about him. Something had been different since the first time they met. Hell, something had been different from the beginning of the week.

His rough green five o'clock shadow seemed more inviting. His ragged and torn up clothes seemed more endearing. Even is scent had subtly become more pleasant. Attractive. She couldn't help but stare up at him with a big smile, giggling to herself quietly until Betelguese himself finally caught her attention. 

Looking down at her, he blushed brightly. His pale cheeks turning red as he realized those glossy eyes and big smile was for him.

"H-Hey. Lyd's. What's up?"

"Hehe... Call me... Babes... I like that..."

Betelguese swallowed hard. She was out of it for sure but he couldn't help but wonder. 

"Ah...Haha... Sure, Babes. Uhh... What's up?"

"Mmm... Hehe... BJ?"


"I'm sorry... For what happied... Hap- Happened before. All those years ago, I should have uh-... Thought about your feelings more..."

"Hey, uh... Slime under the sewage pipe, y'know?"

"No... No... You lashed out because you were angry and I couldn't understand... I lashed out when I was angry and you did... I'm sorry..."

Lydia pouted, her breathing had become heavier. 

"It's... Fine..."

"Yeah? Awesome... So... Could you... Kiss me now?"


Betelguese suddenly sat up straight, Lydia slid off his shoulder but caught herself before hitting the ground. 

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"Lydia, I didn't realise you were such a lightweight! Hah... Hah..."

"Don't you... Want to kiss me?"

"Of course! I mean! I... I..."

Lydia's smile shined bright. She gently moved over to BJ's lap and pulled herself on top. 

"I... Lyd's..."

"Babes..." Lydia chuckled, cutting him off as their faces grew closer and closer together. She took a soft grip of the demons brown jacket and as their bodies heated up against each other, she teased Betelguese's lips, gently grazing her own against his. 

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