Gardening Trouble

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It was a gloomy day the day Lydia stepped out the back of her beautiful home. The sky was dark and grey and there was a frosty edge to the air that bit at your skin like hungry ants at a foodless picnic. 

In other words, the perfect weather for Lydia and the perfect weather to do a little gardening. 

The pale gothic princess didn't look or act like the kind of girl who'd be interested in gardening but in actuality, it was right up her ally. The idea of growing some fresh vegetables and plants in her very own backyard was delightful. 

Tomatoes, Marijuana, Poison Ivy, Hemlock. The options were limitless. 

Heading down the back porch steps, Lydia stepped around to the empty garden bed she had been planning to fill for a while. The Maitlands let her have free range of the garden partly because they couldn't actually leave the house without ending up in Saturn. Also partly because just like the loving parents they were, they spoiled Lydia with as much as they could. They didn't have much obviously being ghosts but the moment they discovered Lydia wanted to try gardening, they were more than happy to let her have theirs. 

She didn't get the chance to try it before they left and now that she was feeling freer, happier even. She was ready to give it a go again. 

Kneeling down, Lydia wore a rather cute set of overalls and a wide brim hat. Except it was all black and the overalls were short around the legs, the only thing warming them from the cool air being the ripped black stockings to match.

She had a basket with tools and seeds all set up but before she could begin, the familiar presence of a certain ghoul had popped up behind her. 

"Heya Babes! What's up!?"

Lydia jumped a little but made an effort to sigh and roll her eyes like it had not affected her. Thankfully, Betelguese hadn't noticed. She wouldn't have heard the end of it. No, BJ was much more focused on the lovely above view of Lydia's chest. The top of her breasts seemed to sit perfectly within the confined space of her overalls and Betelguese was more than happy to soak that view in. 

"Ugh, BJ, I thought you couldn't come out here?"

"Hmm? Oh! No, I can go wherever you go, I'm not like the Dorklands, I didn't die here."

"Wait... Really? Where did you die? And how are you able to be here with me?"

"Eh, long story, Lyd's. I'd rather not go into it."

Lydia honestly got the feeling it really was just a long story and he couldn't be bothered to go over it so decided not to press it. 

"Anyways, I'm just doing... A  little gardening..."

Lydia smirked as BJ flopped down beside her, laying on his side, head in hand like he was posing for a painting. She could feel the utterly confused look in his eyes glaring at her.

"Really!? Gardening!? My god, Babez! What happened to ya!?"

"Relaaaaax, look at what i'm planting."

"Huh!? Oh... Hmm... Tomatoes, gross- Oh! Ohhhohoh... I see. Good thinking Baby Bug, I love it!"

He chuckled like a mad man, rolling onto his back as Lydia continued digging small holes into the dirt. 

"Right? Anyways, I'm going to be out here for a while. Wanna help?"

"Me? Help? Well... Sure! I got some seeds on me!"

"Really? What kind?"

"No idea! Let's find out."

Curious, the pale babe stopped to watch as Betelguese frantically began to look through his dark brown coat until finally, he sat up, pulling out a bright orange seed which actually resembled a spicey jelly bean. 

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