Sick Day

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"Lydia! Lyd's!? Babe, I gotta show you what I found. Did you know the Dorklands had a massive stash of magz in the basement? I mean... I doubt it was theirs since it's the racey kind but you gotta check em out!"

Betelguese made his way down the stairs only to find Lydia, not in the lounge room.

"Huh... Lydia!?" He called out again. He knew she hadn't left, it was pouring rain and she didn't exactly have anywhere to go.

He checked the kitchen, the attic, the basement again but nothing. Eventually, he figured he should check the most obvious place but not before making sure. Just in case. 

Stepping into Lydia's room, he was hoping to see her. He just wasn't expecting to see her the way she was. Curled up in bed, nose and cheeks bright red. Eyes tired and glossy. She still wore her pyjamas from that night, an oversized button-up dress shirt.

"Oh no... Your not? Are you?"

Lydia sniffled and nodded slowly. 

"I am... Sick..."

Betelguese suddenly fell to his knees. 



"Oh, sorry. I wanted to be a little dramatic."

"Ughhh... I see that."

Betelguese stood up awkwardly, patting his knees down before stepping close to Lydia's side. 

"Well... This is awkward. I can't remember the last time I had a cold. What's it like?"

"It sucks... It's hot and cold and my head hurts..."

"Oh... Okay..."

Lydia didn't have much energy to glare at Betelguese like she wanted to but to be fair, he honestly wasn't built to be the caring type. Didn't mean he wouldn't try. 

"Ehhh... Want me to get you anything?"

"Mnmnnm... Nmm..."

It was useless. Lydia was getting overheated and slowly losing consciousness. A line of concerned passed through Betelguese's mind. Seeing her so weak like this. It... Hurt him a little?

He had no choice. He had to do something. 

Hesitating, he decided to start by checking her temperature. Feeling her forehead with the back of his hand, he almost jumped ten feet high when Lydia suddenly let out a gasping moan. Oddly sensually and yet most likely due to the comforting coolness of a corps hand over her burning skin. 

"J-Jeez Lyd's. Don't do that to me, I'm only a man..." He chuckled a little but he could sense Lydia was completely out of it now. 

He had never dealt with this kind of sickness before, he was sure it was just a normal cold but it looked to be hitting pretty hard. He couldn't exactly call for a home doctor either so... He supposed he could only do the next best thing.

He had watched in movies about how to make sick people better so... How hard could it be?

Opening up his palms, a small bowl of misted water appeared in his hands. The water was cool and filled with herbal medicines that were supposed to soothe ill people. He had no idea if it would work but he didn't have a whole lot of other options. 

Gently moving Lydia further on her bed, BJ took a seat beside her and as delicately as he could, pulled the sheets down.

"Ooowow, Lyd's. You really don't wear a whole lot nowadays, do ya?" Even Betelguese was beginning to sweat now. 

Her oversized dress shirt pyjamas, so loose and short on her. Buttons jumbled up in odd places. BJ couldn't resist resting a hand on one of her long, soft legs. Rubbing it up and down longingly, swallowing hard as he forced himself to stop. 

He had to focus. 

With his free and very shakey hand, he started unbuttoning earlier mentioned pajamas and much to his testosterones distress, she wasn't even wearing a bra. So, her heaving, sweating breasts were clearly on display as he moved the clothing cloth aside.  

"Aw, come on babes... This just ain't fair..." He mumbled to himself. He had seen her breasts a couple of times now but it never got old. 

"Focus... Betelguese... You can do this..." BJ huffed to himself, turning back to the bowl with a soaking tea towel sitting over its side. 

"Okay... Okay..."

Picking the towel up, he squeezed the liquid out before turning back to Lydia, exposed and vulnerable. Just laying there on her back, free for him to take if he were so inclined to. 

Betelguese was beginning to be tormented with devilish thoughts and it took all his willpower to distance them.

Why? He wasn't in the mood to question why, he just knew he couldn't do anything to Lydia. Not like this.

Even if he REALLY wanted to and it may be his only chance. 

Sighing deeply, Betelguese began to dab the soaked towel around Lydia's forehead, cheeks, neck and breasts. Gradually covering her skin all over. 

To his surprise, it seemed to be working too. Over time Lydia's breathing became softer, calmer. Her fever had also started to soften. She was slowly getting better, much to BJ's relief. 

Betelguese stayed with her all day and all night. Bringing her food, water and juice whenever she needed it. Patting her down with the herbal medicine. 

Lydia was quite surprised when she sat up in bed the next morning, feeling oddly relaxed and bright, to look down at the ground to see Betelguese himself sleeping rather soundly. 

It didn't take her long to put together the pieces. To remember through vague and dazed memories as to what had happened.

Betelguese took care of her none stop... All night. Without taking advantage of her even though he could have. 

Why did that make her heart skip a beat?

Why did she find that so...



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