Bath Time

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Lydia sunk deep into the bath so that only her head stuck slightly out from the watery depths. Her nose just above the surface of bubbles so she could continue to breathe. 

Her eyes closed, she couldn't help but feel a little guilty about everything that had gone down. Not what she had done, no. Her guilt came from the fact she was honestly enjoying herself. She felt happy and content for the first time since her adoptive ghost parents had moved on. 

She knew she should have felt bad. She sent her real father and step-mother to some other country completely after having her now ghost fiance scare the utter shit out of them.  She then quit her job in a rather horrific and traumatizing way for her fellow employees and on top of that is now living in utter comfort, stealing her father's money from right under his nose. He was quite literally rich in every sense of the word but still... She should have felt bad... Right? That was a thing normal people felt bad about. 

The petite goth supposed that she wasn't what one would call normal but even for her, should she be as comfortable as she was? 

It wasn't long before such thoughts were interrupted though. Through the thick bubbles in her tub, she glanced something a little... Odd. She could even hear something a little... Strange. 

In the tub, throughout the thick bubbles, were some rubber ducks. She had thrown them in there because... Why not? So, that wasn't the odd thing. The odd thing was out of all the bright yellow little floating ducks, there was one little striped duck. With familiar bright green hair and white skin.

Sitting up further, eyes narrow with confusion, Lydias rounded and plump breast sat just floating above the surface of the water. Pale flesh balloons with the prettiest little nipples and blackest little ring piercings.

The duck was humming and after listening to it for a little longer, Lydia could tell just whose voice it belonged to. It was a little higher pitched and squeakier than she was used to but she could spot that gruff tone anywhere. 

It was certainly confirmed when the little floating duck began to turn around, drifting to face her only to be met with her lovely lady flesh pillows right in its face. 

"Ohoho- Ah! I mean... Quack..."

Lydia's cheeks grew bright red as she stared down in disbelief. 


"Uhh... Heya Lyd's. What's up?"

In a flash and a splash, the tub's water suddenly overfilled and soaked the floor around them. Betelgeuse reappeared in the bath but this time he wasn't just human, he was naked. Just like Lydia. Sitting across from her, his knee's sticking high out of the water, the only thing covering his privates being the thick bubbles around them.

Lydia wasn't what you'd call shy about her body but even she wasn't quite sure how to feel about this sudden invasion of privacy. 

Betelgeuse looked as smug as ever though his eyes kept leaping up and down. Glancing at those pretty goth breasts he was growing to love more and more. 

With an impatient look, Lydia slid back down into the tub. Her legs now entangled with the demons as she was careful not to brush against his unmentionables. Her tits once again hidden under the surface water. 

"Awe, come on, Lyd's. Don't be like that. If we're going to be married, we might as well get used to each other's sexy parts~"

She couldn't help but wonder just how old Betelgeuse was with such a childish attitude but quickly brushed that thought aside. Besides, she was kind of getting distracted by the fit-looking dad-bod in front of her.

He wasn't buff but he wasn't chubby either. There were body fat and pecs but it was all firm and fit looking.  An even amount of subtle body hair spread across his chest. If she were being honest with herself, it was kind of a turn on. 

"Hey, eyes up here. I'm a person you know!" Betelgeuse scoffed dramatically but with amusement behind his eyes. Lydia blushed brightly, wanting to slip deeper into the water and away from the devilish eyes looking over her. She hadn't realized he had noticed her longing stare! 

Betelgeuse, as cocky as always, already thought he was pretty darn sexy so he saw nothing odd about such staring. Besides, he was just hoping to get another look at that lovely body Lydia rocked. 

"Hey... BJ..."

"Yeah? What's up?"

"Am I... A bad person? For... Well... Being okay right now?"

"Uhhhh... What what? Where's this coming from?"

"You know..."

Lydia sighed as she sat up a further, staring down into the bubbles. 

"My dad is god knows where... So is Delia too. I miss Barbara and Adam every day but I'm even doing alright without them now that dad is gone... And... Now that you're here... Does that make me a bad person? I know I'm not a good one but... I never thought I was... Y'know... A bad person..."

Caught off guard, Betelgeuse didn't know what to say. He kind of just wanted to be a fun little pervert before Lydia kicked him out. That's what he assumed would happen. 

"Hey, Babes. Of course your not a bad person. I should know because I am one and proud. You? You're awesome. Okay? So... Don't think about that kind of stuff... You've gone through a rough patch, that's all, kid. And now? You're getting the time you need to... Heal. Have fun. Relax."

Betelgeuse wasn't exactly the kind of person to do the whole pep-talk thing but it was clear he was trying. That alone was actually enough to make Lydia Deetz smile.

"Thanks..." She whispered quietly, surprised herself that the demon would care enough to try and cheer her up in the first place. So much so that it actually did. She felt better about... Well, feeling better. 

"Well, I'm hopping out. Feel free to stay in if you like~" Lydia teased as she stood up from the tub. Her whole nude body on display for her dead fiance much to his shock and awe. Lydia herself was rather surprised she was revealing herself so easily but in a way, it was kind of like a thank you gesture on her behalf. Not to mention she was slowly discovering she kind of liked the attention BJ was giving her. She had never been with anyone before so it was nice to know someone actually liked her body.

She stepped out of the tub and grabbed her towel before walking out with a teasing wiggle of her hips. Only glancing back to watch as the bathwater turned to steam. Betelgeuse's whole body bright red and boiling the water until it was nothing.

His tongue hung out like an overheated dog and he couldn't even get another word out before Lydia was gone.

Being Dead Thing - Lydia x BetelgeuseWhere stories live. Discover now