Betelgeuse, Betelgeuse, Betelgeuse!

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Have you ever been afraid of what hides under your bed? Have you ever feared the sounds creaking from your wardrobe? Have you ever dreaded the chill that spills down your spine? Lydia... Lydia never did. No, she feared many things but these were never one of them.

Lydia feared the shining smiles of pretty blonde girls with blue eyes and frilly bright skirts. With perfect tan skins and football player boyfriends. They usually were the cruellest as they never knew what it was like to be disliked.

Lydia feared shopping malls, filled to the brim with judgmental eyes. Staring her down, swallowing her up like a gaping monster hungry for something timid and frail to eat. Though, actual monsters would have the kindness to kill you as quickly and as easily as possible. They didn't eat for sports, they killed to beat hunger. People, they could swallow you alive and never no they had done so in the first place.

But most of all, Lydia feared being alone. Not alone, alone. No, she was actually quite accepted in dark rooms with not a single living soul to be seen or heard. No, she feared the kind of alone where there were people all around her and despite everyone being there, not a single person cares.

There was a small while there where Lydia did actually feel okay. Good even. She had friends. She had a family. Even if her father and stepmother still weren't exactly close. Adam and Barbara were really like her adoptive parents. They looked after her, loved her and really made her feel... A part of a real family.

They didn't mind how she acted or dressed. They loved her witty and dry sense of humour. They cherished her thoughts and ideas. They accepted her and that was all she had ever wanted and more. She was thankful and even now, would always adore them and the memories they provided her. They were lovely people, the best people. And despite her pain, she really hoped that wherever they were now, they were happy.

You see, around four years later, after moving into the Maitlands home, the married couple who had passed away finally finished renovating their home. Top to bottom so it had finally become the house they had always dreamed of when they had been alive. Lydia had finished high school with the best scores around. So... In the end, their unfinished business was in fact finished. Not only did they fix the home they had been working so hard to do up by hand. But the little girl they would have happily called daughter, the sweet child they had to adore, was now a smart and beautiful adult.

When this had happened their spirits were allowed to finally rest in peace. She had only gotten a few moments to say goodbye to the two before they left with Juno, their caseworker. 

They were the worst moments of her life. Once again, she had lost a parent to death. Two of them this time around.

The tearful goodbye wasn't finished when they left, no. For the rest of the night, Lydia sobbed her little heart out. There weren't enough tissues in the world to dry her tears.

 Alas, time did go by but despite the old saying "Time heals all wounds". For poor Lydia Deetz, time only seemed to rip her apart further.

And today was the day she would finally snap.


The morning she woke up was awful. The sun was blinding, it was hot. Even the wind didn't take the edge of the intense heat. The thing is, it wouldn't have been that bad if Delia hadn't begun to replace the windows with horrible "Artistic" glass planes that didn't reflect the heat but invited it in. Keeping it in.

Lydia had thrown all her sheets onto the ground and lie flat on her back. She wore a large, black t-shirt and some rather lacy black underwear. Her body was soaked in a thin film of sweat and she could feel her body begin to bubble.

Being Dead Thing - Lydia x BetelgeuseWhere stories live. Discover now