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𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙎𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙮 𝙏𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙧
-4 years ago.

"It's not about that LaSane." Yomi yelled at her boyfriend. "We can't just live here.." He started before she cut him off. "Your mom said it was fine."

"And then when the baby comes, then what?" He asked her making her go quiet. He grabbed his work shoes and sat on the bed putting them on.
"We have time to worry about that LaSane, I'm not even that far in yet.." She mumbled. "I have to think about the future now so we won't be struggling trying to figure it out later." He kissed her on the forehead and grabbed his jacket and lunchbox.

"Okay." She smiled holding his wrist before they shared a hug and she walked him to the front door. "I love you."

"I love you too." He kissed her once more before leaving. Running to his car since he was already late. She stepped back into the house and locked the door.

Yomi made her way back upstairs to the room they shared in LaSanes parents house. Despite them being young, his mom didn't really see the point of making them stay in separate rooms, the worst that could happen had already happened. There wasn't any extra space for all of that anyway.

Nairi'Yomi wasn't in her showing stage, she was still her first trimester. Not only that but she was only fifteen and her figure was petite just like her mothers.

LaSane was a boy she had met in school during her freshman year. They were around the same age but were in the same grade so they shared classes together and eventually he asked her to be his girlfriend.

Them being young and not knowing any better eventually led to Nairi'Yomi sneaking him into her house while her father and brother were gone and soon enough that led to her getting pregnant. Once Black found out — being who he was he kicked her out and she was forced to stay with his family. It took her some time to get used to living in a Hispanic and very religious household especially while being so young and with child. But LaSane's parents came around and helped her, treating her like she was one of their own.

She had even learned how to speak their language in a matter of months. The house was something different, it was loud at times and had a lot of people there which at first made her feel bad because there she was being another mouth to feed, but his parents never showed any anger or resentment towards her. So she felt a little better.

His mom was showing her how to be a woman. And in her mind they were married, she didn't believe in having children out of wed-lock. A child having a child was already too much for her. She showed Nairi how to cook, prepare food and the means of taking care of everyone and not always herself.

LaSane had started working construction with his father and older brothers along with his uncles and other family friends. Before he knew Nairi he only did it in his free time, but now he was working towards a better life for his girlfriend and child. He had two jobs, that and working at a car shop.

While thinking, she heard quiet taps on the window. She made her way to it, noticing her cousins Honesty and India standing outside waving her down and she smiled.

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