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𝙉𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞'𝙔𝙤𝙢𝙞 𝙒𝙞𝙡𝙠𝙚𝙣𝙨

I unlocked the front door, removing my key before walking in fully and closing the door, locking it. I kicked off my shoes and wiped my eyes.

Another early morning of basketball.

I set my bag down and flipped through the letter mail, sighing I set them back in the box they were in before. No checks.

Pushing Akio's door open slowly, I checked to see if she was still the same as I left her, and she was. Her TV was playing quietly. I smiled and shut the door back.

Heading towards my room, I entered and shut the door before taking off my jewelry and socks. LaSane was laying on my side of the bed knocked out.

I walked to the bathroom and cut the shower on wiping my face off. I had a tattoo on the side of my face but because of school, I chose to cover it up.

"Baby?" I heard him grunt and moving in the room.

"It's me!" I whisper-yelled and heard nothing else. I undressed and hopped into the shower.

You say you love me for me. It hard to believe. I put my heart on my sleeve,
you're all that I need.

"But I don't wanna play your games no-more" I sung washing my hair out with shampoo.

Oh I bet you're missing me now.
Oh you , kissing me now.

"Oh I, bet you're missing me now. Oh you, are kissing me now.."

My phone vibrated from the counter and I heard shuffling in the room. shit

"Shit shit shit." I rushed — washing myself once more after rinsing my hair out and hopped out the shower. I hurried stepping out and putting my robe on before I left the bedroom. Sane was getting out the bed.

Opening the front door I was met with Maddie and Grayson hugging my legs.

"Hey, my babies.." I kissed their cheeks. From here on out they would be with me all the time. Slutty wanted to keep them for a while but, they're mine.

He has no rights to them, he can't see them unless I say so. But knowing he loves them I let him get them. That's the only communication I have with him now, and he just started coming back around for them.

"Hey Yomiii," I squatted down and they kissed my cheeks making me smile. "Where's Akio?"

"She's sleep right now, y'all hungry?"

"No ma'am, Navy bought us some food. Can we watch tv?"

"Yeah but y'all gotta lay down. It's still early." I told them and they strolled into the living-room.

Slutty walked up to the door with their book bags and handed them to me. I nodded.

"Thank you.."

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