Chapter 8

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Tala's POV

I am just laying in bed after finishing my talk with my parents. They were not happy that I got into a fight, but they were understanding because the other girl, Koko, started it. All they pretty much heard that she was a part of the other pack so they just thought right off the back that it was her fault. Nightshade is bad and everything is their fault. I am still getting punished though and I have to clean the whole house by myself every day for a week. I know that doesn't sound bad, but my family can get messy really fast and it is going to be a pain in the butt to clean. I can't be mad though because I was in a fight. Then my mind started to shift to my amazing mate, Nova. I really want her right now because I miss her. This mate bond is getting stronger and stronger. The mate bond will get hard to control until we mate and in that time we will get really horny. Anyway, I just text Nova that I really need her and wait for a reply. I turn on my TV that's in my room and go onto Disney Plus to find a movie to watch. After about five minutes of just looking through all the movie choices that I have, I hear knocks at my window. I just thought it was a wind until I heard it again. I got up to investigate and I looked out my window to see Nova rocking small rocks at my window. I opened my window and somehow she was able to get into my room that was on the second floor. I will say it was pretty amazing to see her climb. Out of breath, Nova comes into my room trying to say something.

"Are you okay? What is wrong?" Nova says gasping for air.

"What are you talking about?" I say back.

"The text that you sent me that you really need me. The moment I saw the text I came running over here" Nova says.

"Oh, that text. Yeah, there is nothing wrong, I just wanted to see you" I say with a pout because I was feeling a little guilty.

"Don't worry baby. I am not upset or mad at you, you are just too cute" Nova says.

"Well since I am here, I can stay for a while. What do you want to do" Nova asks.

"I just want to cuddle with you while watching a movie and eating snacks," I say with a smile on my face.

"That sounds wonderful, let's do it," Nova says and I cheer.

"Wait what if your parents come into your room," Nova says nervously.

"Oh you don't have to worry about them because they don't just come into my room at random and if they do, they at least knock on the door. Now I am going to get the snacks and drinks" I say and run downstairs into the kitchen to get a whole lot of snacks and drinks. Once I got everything, I ran back upstairs and went into my room to see Nova laying on my bed with just a sports bra and boxers on. At this point, I am just standing there looking over her amazing body. It was nothing like Rudi's body, his body was so hard with muscles. Nova's body looks soft and I just want to put my hands all over her. I can see the scars all over her body but I'll ask her another day whenever she is ready to share it. Nova looks over at me and sees me staring at her body. I can tell that she is getting a little insecure about her body because she covers up her body with my blanket.

"No, don't cover up her body. I was just admiring it from here" I say and Nova smiles, waving me to come into bed. I jump onto the bed with all the snacks and drinks in hand. Nova laughs and she pulls me into her to cuddle.

"So what did your parents say about you getting into a fight?" Nova asked me.

"Well they were upset at first then they started to blame everything on the Nightshade pack being the Nightshade pack. I know that is unfair, but that is how both of our packs think. Just blame the other pack because they are involved. Anyway, they gave me the punishment of cleaning the whole house by myself. Now I know that it doesn't sound bad, but my family can be nasty at times" I say, and Nova giggles.

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