Chapter 19

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A/N: Sorry for the long wait! Being a senior in college is a lot harder than I thought, but I am almost done. I did have writer's block and have to rewrite this many times. I have gotten past it and I also have decided to make the chapter a little shorter so I can write faster. I hope you enjoy it!

 "What do you mean there is a mole in the pack?" my dad asks the alpha. Alpha Takoda takes a deep breath before he spoke.

"They aren't at the clearing right now, but they are heading in that direction. I sent out a scout to make sure the rogues are walking around the perimeter but the scout couldn't find them. When they were heading back to the house, they say the rogues on the land and were heading towards the clearing" Alpha Takoda says.

"How is that even possible that they got onto our land without us even knowing," my dad says confused.

"There lays the problem and is leading me to believe that there is a mole among us. How else did they get on our land and are heading to the exact spot where we were going to lead them?" Alpha Takoda question.

"I don't know sir," my dad says and the alpha punches the wall behind him. It shocked me but I didn't move.

"Stuff is not adding up," Alpha Takoda starts to pace around, "We have to scrap the plan that is in place. It will take too much time to get everyone ready right now, they are too untrained. Plus the Dark Moon pack is coming here right now to prepare," he stops pacing, "Here is the new plan. I will call the Dark Moon pack right now to tell them to only bring their warriors and ranked wolves here. We will get our warriors and ranked wolves ready when they get here so we can all head to the clearing so we can meet them halfway" Alpha Takoda says and looks at my dad.

"Sounds good to me sir. What do you want me to do?" my dad asks like a true gamma that is standing by his alpha.

"I need you to go and get the warriors ready," Alpha Takoda says and my dad goes and gets the warriors ready. Then he looks over at me.

"I need you to go get Awan while I call the Dark Moon pack and get Luna Penelope and Beta Jackel," Alpha says to me and I nod. He heads to his office with his phone in hand. I start to panic because I have no idea where Awan was and how far away he is from the packhouse. I pull out my phone and call him but it went straight to voicemail. I called again to make sure that he was not on do not disturb, but it still went straight to voicemail. I got kind of worried about him because he is very responsible and always has his phone charge and answers within the first ring. I send him a text on what is happening with the new plan and he needs to be here now. After I sent the sent, I go outside of the packhouse and wait for everyone to get here. Within minutes I see our pack warriors come out with my dad, Beta Jackel, Alpha Takoda, and Luna Penelope. My dad starts to walk to me with a smile on his face.

"I know today is not the best day and we are going into battle, but I am so happy to be going into battle with my son. I did the same with my father and he was never more proud of me than that day. We will be fighting side by side" my dad says and hugs me.

"Hey Songoa, where is Awan?" Beta Jackel comes up to me and asks. I didn't know what to say to him, but luckily the Dark Moon packs pulled up and we all turn to them. They all come out and stand in front of us. I see that there were all of their warriors, Alpha Dohasan, Luna Talula, Beta Korary, Gamma Edith, Tobey, and someone that I don't know. She looks a lot like Tala, to be honest, and now that I think about it. It is Tala's mom, but why is she here? I know that she is not a ranked wolf or warrior on what Tala said about her parents. Then something in the air changed, everything got tense between the packs. I look over at my pack and see that they are uncomfortable including Luna Penelope which is unlike her. I take the bold move and walk over to luna.

"Are you okay luna? I have a sense that everyone here is tense and especially you" I say to Luna Penelope.

"You are such a sweet boy to come over here and make that that I am okay. Don't worry about me, we have the battle to win" Luna Penelope says to me.

"Let's cut this awkward tension in the air and-"

"Why is she here?" Alpha Takoda interrupts Luna Talula.

"Don't interrupt my mate ever again and she is here because we need her and you know it" Alpha Dohasan says while stepping up to Alpha Takoda. I am confused if the "she" Alpha Takoda is talking about is Tala's mom, but why is that such a big deal.

"Look we don't have time for these alphas. We need to get going so we can meet the rogues at the clearing for the best fighting grounds for us" Beta Korary says while getting in between the alphas.

"You are right Beta Korary. We will handle this later but right now we need to go to the clearing and fight" Alpha Dohasan says and Alpha Takoda nods. They both make an announcement to the warriors that we are going to walk to the clearing now. The ranked wolves are going to go first, then there will be the highest-ranked warriors, then Tobey and I, and then the rest of the warriors. We all get into the formation that takes about two minutes to do. Once we are all settled, we start to walk.

"Hey Songoa, do you know where Dakota and Awan are?" Tobey ask.

"I am going to be honest with you right now, I don't know where they are. I have been calling and leaving Awan messages but no answer from him which is unlike him. I almost got into trouble because I didn't know where he is" I say.

"Don't worry I am in the same boat you are. My dad was hounding me earlier telling me to get her here as fast as possible. I hope they are okay wherever they are" Tobey said and I let out a sigh. It was quiet for the rest of the way to the clearing. After walking for quite a bit we get to the clearing and as predicted the rogues are walking into the clearing at the same time we did. We walk up until we are about 30 yards away from each other. Their Alpha steps in front and so do our two alphas.

"Tell us why you are really trying to take over our packs. You can't take on two packs at one time and you know that" Alpha Doahasan says.

"Well if I am being honest, I was going to take down the Dark Moon pack first then move on to the Nightshade pack. Would not think that you two would start to work together, to be honest" the rogue alpha says while laughing a little.

"Well we are working together now so leave now so we don't need to shed any blood between us," Alpha Takoda says.

"That will be no fun though. Plus I was lying for the trust reason why we want to take over your packs" the rogue alpha says and we are all confused on what he meant by that. After he said that, two teens come out of the pack.

"I know those two. They are the ones that we let into the pack because they said that their pack was destroyed by the rogues" Tobey says to me and I go wide-eyed.

"I can't believe you, children! I let you into my pack with open arms and you guys are the ones that betrayed us" Alpha Doahasan yells at the teens.

"We were never really a part of your pack. We just needed to get in so we could know exactly what you are doing. It worked out well didn't it" the girl teen says.

"There is one problem we have Songoa. There were three of them, not two that came into the pack" Tobey says to me.

"Where is the other one then," I asked and Tobey shrug his shoulder.

"What is the meaning of this?" Alpha Takoda asks while stepping a little more forward. After he said that a guy comes out of the pack and gets even closer to us.

"The real reason for all of this is revenge," the guy says. Tobey then nudges me and mouths 'that's the third kid'.

"Who are you then? Who is the person that wants revenge so bad?" Alpha Takoda asks.

"Wow, I can't believe you don't recognize me. Well, let me properly introduce myself. I am the true alpha of this pack and my name is Saku, father" he says looking right at Alpha Takoda. 

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