Chapter 12

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Dakota's POV

I am looking at Tala and Nova like what the fuck just happen here. What does she even mean something bad is coming, there were no clues to it but just leaving a haunting present.

"What do you think she means that something bad is coming," I ask looking at Nova and Tala.

"Well this is not the first time that we heard something bad is going to happen," Tala said.

"Why didn't I know about this?" I question looking at Tala.

"It was sprung on us too and we found out yesterday," Tala says, taking a deep breath.

"Look Dakota, you know as much as we do. We just need to keep our guard up, okay" Nova said in a calm voice, but her face said something else. She had a worried face on her look that I don't see often. I only really see it when she is about to go home and she knows that she is going to get beat by her dad. I just nod at her so she and Tala can sneak off together and get some alone time.

I look up to see if Awan stayed after the game. I saw him when he came into the gym and didn't see him leave. I looked around for him but didn't find him. I am not going to lie, I am heartbroken that he came to the game and didn't even say bye. I was able to talk to my teammates, coaches, and parents before I started to head off to my parent's car alone. I started walking outside into the parking lot, I saw that a guy was standing out in the parking lot. Then I realized that it was Awan with a bouquet of flowers and a bag. I ran up to him and hugged him.

"Hey sweetheart, I am sorry I didn't stay around right after the game. I didn't know if it was okay for us to be all out in the open like that just yet. I did see you play the whole game though, you did awesome" Awan says getting all excited about the game.

"Thank you so much, it means a lot to me. So what is in the bag?" I say looking at the bag.

"Oh yeah," he hands me the bag and I open it up to see a duck in basketball gear, "so remember yesterday when I asked what your favorite animal and you said duck. Well, I went to build-a-bear and they didn't have any ducks for some reason. I grabbed the clothes and went out to find a stuffed duck, which is hard to find by the way" Awan said, rambling on and I just gave him a big hug and kiss.

"You are amazing and this is the best gift ever! I love ducks" I say holding the duck.

"I wanted to get a duck for my ducky," Awan says using the nickname that he gave me yesterday. I already know that Nova is going to tease me about it because I tease her about her nickname, kitten.

"Do you want me to give you a ride or do you want to ride home with your parents?" Awan asks and I of course say that I will get a ride from him. I text my parents that I have a ride home and don't wait up. I get into the car with him and we head off. I then start to think about Awan and I relationship, as we have just figured out that we were mates just a day ago. All wolves know that finding your mate is the best thing in the world to happen, and you'll live happily ever after with them. The problem is that no one tells you how to navigate through it. I know we are supposed to mate pretty soon, but how fast is too fast and how slow is too slow.

"Hey what are you thinking about in that head of yours," Awan says getting me out of my thoughts.

"Why would you think that I am thinking of something?" I ask, wondering how he knows.

"You are in deep thought and since you are not saying it out loud then it is about me I am guessing," he says right on the nose about it.

"You aren't wrong about that. I am thinking about this whole mate situation" I tell him how I am feeling.

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