Chapter 14

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A/N: I just wanted to say thank you to all the readers that made it this far. I have 2K reads and that blows my mind. I started this story in 2019 and posted it in 2020, and I just thought it was only going to get a few reads out of it. You guys have blown me away and I am thankful for it. 

Nova's POV

I start to wake up and my head is a little fuzzy, I open my eyes fully to the bright lights that make me close them again. I open them again slowly to see that I am in the pack hospital. I turn to my right and I see my mom sitting in a chair beside me. I was about to say something to get her attention, but my throat is dry, and can't talk. My mom sees me trying to talk and tells me to take it easy, then she goes and grabs a nurse. The nurse comes in and does a checkup on me to make sure that I am good. The nurse says that I look good and I need to take it easy for the next few days, then she walks about the room.

"What happened?" I ask my mom trying to remember what happened last. I try and sit up but my side is hurting. I lift the blanket to see that my side is all bandage up. I fall back into the bed in pain. Werewolves do heal fast but not right away, it takes a few days for them to heal all the way. We also feel all the pain that comes with it.

"We were attacked by rogues. They were waiting at the edge of the border and when they saw us they attacked. But hey I am happy that you came because you were right about me going alone. I would not have survived without you" my mom says and tries to make light of the situation at the end.

"Yeah, we also got lucky that my mate was there. I saw her wolf right before everything went black" I say and my mom looks at me strangely.

"Your mate was not there, sweetie. Trust me I remember what happened and she was not there" my mom says.

"But I swear I saw someone else there," I say back at her.

"There was someone else there but it was not your mate," she says.

"Then who was there?" I asked and my mom was hesitant to say who was there. She was about to say something, but my dad barged in.

"Who attacked you," my dad says.

"How can that be the first thing you say to use? Your daughter and your mate are in the hospital and that's all that you say!" I yell at him. How could he really not care about us that much to just ask about who attacked us? I am in a hospital bed crying out loud.

"It is the first thing I am asking because I need to know who attacked you on my land. This is disrespectful to attack the luna and the child of an alpha. This can't happen and I will get my revenge!" he yells back at me.

"Well, I don't know. All I know is that they were rogues and there were a lot of them. When we took one down two more came after them" I say trying my best not to attack him right now. Then the nurse comes running in.

"What do you want?! I am having a conversation with my family and you are ruining it!" my dad yells at the poor nurse.

"I have to come in here and check on Nova. Her blood pressure and heart rate are increasing" the nurse said in submission.

"Okay go check on her. Penelope come with me, we have a business that we need to take care of" my dad says and my mom follows him. The nurse comes in and makes sure that I am okay. She leaves and I am left here stressed about everything. I find my phone and call Tala to tell her what happened. I call her and she picks up on the second ring.

"Hey kitten, what's up," my mate's beautiful voice says over the phone.

"I am in the hospital," I say.

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