Chapter 4

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"I will, I promise," I say, holding my pinkie up, and then Dakota crossing it with her pinkie. We finally get to school and park in our usual spot. We get out and before we all meet up Dakota and I go to our lockers. We go to Dakota's first then mine. We get to my locker and Dakota is talking about the basketball game that is coming up. I was listening and about to open my locker, but then I could smell my mate. I know she is close so I turn my head and I see my mate kissing Koko on the lips.


Tala's POV

I can't believe that my mate is kissing another girl, and that girl is Koko. I am not going to slut-shame her because everyone can do what they want to do with whoever they want, but the whole school knows that she likes to get around. I can't blame her either because she is really pretty and I have nothing on her. She has curves and I am just round, she has an ass and I just have a little bump where my ass should be, she has big breasts and I only have half of what she has, and she knows how to put on makeup and make it work while I just put on lip gloss on a good day. I still don't even know who my mate is, Koko was in the way so I couldn't see her face. I couldn't just stand here and watch my mate kiss her anymore, so I just ran toward the bathroom before anyone saw me cry. I can hear Dakota calling my name, but I ignore it and go into the bathroom then into a stall and lock it. I sit on the toilet and just quietly cry to myself. Then I hear the bathroom door open.

"Tala are you okay? Why did you run in here?" Dakota says while opening the door and stepping in. I try to stay silent but I can't stop crying.

"Tala I can hear you in the stall crying. Just please tell me what's wrong and why you are crying overseeing Koko and Nova kissing or was it something else?" Dakota said. Once she said that, I realized my mate is Nova, the next in line alpha of the Nightshade Pack and my ex-boyfriend's enemy. How can my life get any worse? I mean I am in a school bathroom stall crying over my mate kissing another girl.

"Can you please open the door for me Tala and tell me what's wrong" Dakota says while knocking on the stall door. I finally give in and open the door for her, and she runs in and gives me a hug, A hug that I much needed at this moment. We break the hug and I sit back on the toilet, and I start to cry again. By this point, I don't think Dakota knew what to do so she just sat down in front of me and comforted me. After a few minutes, I finally stopped crying and told Dakota everything that happened last night.

"I can't believe your mate is the next to be alpha in the Nightshade pack. This is crazy" Dakota says standing up and starts to move around a bit, but not by much since we are in the small stall.

"Wait so you are upset or freaked out because my mate is a female?" I say in confusion. I mean it is getting more common where there are same-sex mates, but they are looked down on because they can't reproduce. It is even worse for Nova and I because she is going to be alpha and needs a next of kin to take over for her. I wonder what it will be like having kids with Nova? I bet she will be a great mom.

"Why would I care if you are mated to a female," she laughs, "I love you no matter what if you are mated to a male or female," she says.

"Aww thank you" I get up and hug her again.

"No problem sis, but I hope you know that I am going to kick her ass," she says and I laugh.

"No, I am serious. She said all those mean things to you last night then comes to school the next day and kiss Koko right across your locker when her locker is on the other side of the school. Oh she is going to get her ass handed to her in practice today" she says while balling up her hands and that is a sign that she is getting mad.

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