Chapter 21

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A/N: Wow look at me posting two chapters within a week!

Tala's POV

When we heard that Alpha Takoda has a son, it was pretty shocking to us.

"Nova, did you know what you had a brother?" Dakota asks and we all look at Nova.

"No, I didn't know that I had a brother," Nova says with a straight face. I can tell that she is tense because her jaw is clenched. I grab her hand and give it a little squeeze so she knows that I am here for her. I look back into the clearing at the guy that says that he is Nova's brother.

"Hey Dakota and Rudi, isn't that the new pack member, Nikko?" I ask them and see them look closely.

"Yeah you are right, I bet he came into our pack just to see what is going on to backstab us," Rudi says.

"Let's head down and be a part of this fight," Nova says and we all start to down to the cleaning. Once we get down there, everyone stares at us.

"There is my little sis! I am happy and sad to see you right now because that means my men didn't do their job, but now it is a family reunion" he says and points between him, Nova, and Alpha Takoda.

"What even is going on! How come I never knew that I had a brother!" Nova yells at her dad.

"Oh sis, there is a lot of things that weren't told to you. The pack has been lying to the new generation. The packs have many secrets that they don't want you to know" Nikko says and we all look confused and back at the pack.

"Don't worry guys, I will be the one that will tell you the truth. By the way, my real name is Saku and my story begins 20 years ago. The Nightshade pack was thriving with their recently appointed Alpha and Luna with their 5-year-old child. It was a new chapter in the pack history because the first time in hundreds of years, they make a treaty with the Dark Moon pack. The new alphas talked it over and thought that it was crazy that they were fighting a war that they didn't start and didn't even know what it was about. Life was great, but the only thing that was happening was the rise of rogues in the area.

Then the night that changed it all happens. It was a normal night for me, I was playing in my father's office while he does his work. It was getting closer to my bedtime and my beautiful mother, Haera, came in to put me into bed. We do a nightly routine then tuck me into bed and I fall asleep. I have no idea how long I was sleeping but I was awakened by the sounds of screaming and the smell of smoke. My mother rushes into my room and gets me out of bed. She told me that we need to leave because the house is on fire and mean people were in the house. Then my father comes in and says that we needed to hurry to leave. We all leave my room together, I was just in my PJ's and not even wearing shoes. My mom told me to close my eyes because there were bodies of my friends, family, and packmates laying all across the floor. While we were leaving the house, I heard my dad fighting off men. We finally make it out of the house and thought that we were free, then two large men step in our way. My father said that we needed to run into the woods and he would meet us later. My mother holds me tighter and runs into the woods. I look back and see my father fighting the two wolves. I watched him until we got too deep into the woods. The whole time my mother was trying to keep me calm, then we get stopped by the biggest wolf I ever saw.

He said that he wants his way with my mother and she deny him and said over her dead body. The man said that will happen, then my mother put me down and told me to hide. I knew she was going to try and fight this man because of me, she wanted to protect me. We were a big pack but we weren't fighters. I mean there were a few warriors and the ranked wolves knew how to fight but no one else. My mother didn't know how to fight. I had to sit there and watch my mother get murdered. Once he murder her, something came over me and I ran out to fight him. He looked down at me and laugh, he said that it was a waste of his time to kill me. He slap me across the face and knock me on the ground, then he left. I crawled over to my mom and cried over her body. I waited for my father to come because he said he would come and find us.

The thing is that he never came. I waited there for two days and he never came, I thought he died that night, so I buried her in a nearby clearing," he points at an area that has rocks around it. It then dawned on me that he buried his mom over there, "After I did that, I walked back to the packhouse and it was destroyed. There was no one there and I was on my own. I was able to get by for a few years and I ran into a small rogue pack that took me in. When I got older, I decided that I wanted to find out more about my family and pack since they died. Well, it turned out that my pack was still alive and so was my father. Even worst was that he had a new mate with a daughter. It made me so mad and I wanted revenge, so I came up with a plan. I would ruin your life and one way of doing it was taking your daughter away from you. Don't worry I wasn't thinking about killing her because she is still my lil sis, but I will have to kill your mate" After he says that he pulls out a silver gun and points it at Luna Penelope and shoots. The next thing I know, my mom comes out of nowhere and saves Luna Penelope's life.

"If you ever try and kill my mate again, then I will kill you," my mom says showing her fangs. 

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