Chapter 15

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 It has been a few weeks since the meeting with both of the packs and things have changed in a good way. Everyone is working as hard as ever because we all came face-to-face with the rogue alpha, and it lit a fire under everyone. We all have training every day no matter what. The adults have to train in the morning so they can go to their jobs during the day. Kids that are in school have to meet after school to get their training. They are all trained by the warriors that are also training around the clock. Because of this, I haven't been seeing my dad as much. All the ranked adult wolves have to train with the highest-ranked warriors and the kids that are ranked have to train with an alpha that rotates every morning and night. It is intense but for a reason. We haven't seen or heard from the rogues in a while and this means that they can be planning something big or it is a part of their plan to get us on edge. We also don't know how many there are in the pack. We tried to ask Adora, Kurt, and Nikko but they didn't remember because they said that they were just trying to survive.

Other things that have changed since the alias happened is everyone has been getting along with each other from the adult to the kids. In school, all the kids are talking to each other and they are hanging out outside of school. It makes sense because we are hanging out with them every day and the Nightshade pack is not as bad. They are actually nice to hang around. All the ranked kids started to hang out with each other too. There is still a bit of tension between Nova and Rudi, but they just don't talk to each other much. Even Adora, Kurt, and Nikko hang out with us and we all have a great time together. Because of this Nova and I have been hanging out more. We aren't out about us being mates because we don't think it is the right time. Since we aren't out to everyone, I still get hit on by Nikko and Rudi is still trying to win me back. Nova gets tired of this happening and wants to fight them every time that they do. I just put my hand on her thigh and she calms down.

Now we are all at lunch just enjoying each other's company like always. Now that everyone is getting along, it makes me think why couldn't we do this years ago. After all, this is over we might be able to keep the alias, and Nova and I can be open with our relationship. The bell rings and we all go back to class like normal. The day goes by like it normally does, very slow. We got out of school and I hopped into Dakota's car. Since we all hang out more, we carpool to school together. We made it fair and have a boys and girls car. Nova, Dakota, and I drive in one car, and Rudi, Tobey, Awan, Songoa drive in one car. Adora, Kurt, and Nikko all bought a car on their own and they drove that to school. Basketball season ended a week ago so we don't have to stay behind at school anymore. That means I just get to go to training right after school, yay, note the sarcasm. The girls have to drop me off so I can go to the unranked training while they go to the ranked training with Nova's dad this week. Nova gets a call and it is her dad. That talk for a minute then she hung up.

"My dad says that he is busy tonight with meetings and won't be able to train us tonight, so he is going to train us right now. We need to get over there right now" Nova says and Dakota gets a text from Rudi pretty much saying the same thing.

"What are we going to do with Tala? Will your dad be okay with an unranked wolf training with us?" Dakota asked.

"I hope he will. Plus Tala is mated to me so she can handle the training that we are doing. He also said that he needed us over right now, so he can't complain too much about it" Nova says and Dakota just nods. She drives over to the Nightshade packhouse and goes to the training room. We go and change into our training outfits and wait for Nova's dad. He comes into the room and looks at everyone, then he looks at me with a strange face.

"Who are you and why is there an unranked wolf here in ranked wolf training," Nova's dad says and walks closer to me. I don't back down from him and have my head high.

"That is my best friend sir. She was in the car with us when you called and we came over right away. We didn't have time to drop her off" Dakota says.

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