Chapter 24

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Nova's POV

I am on the ground next to Tala trying to wake her up and holding back my tears.

"We have to get her to the doctor sweetie, it will be her only hope," my mom says and I start to cry more. Then Saku starts to walk over to us.

"Look, I am sorry for all of this. I thought this will be a great revenge story arc for me but it turns out to be just a sad family drama. It's not worth it for us to fight, we have all been through enough from that man alone" Saku says and I put Tala down gently and stand up.

"You are right, we have been a lot because of that man that we call our father. We should work together as one. You are my brother anyway" I say and reach my hand out for a handshake. He smacks my hand away.

"We are siblings! Give me a hug little sister!" Saku says and gives me a big hug.

"You are also welcome to join our pack Saku," my mom says to him.

"Thanks for the offer but right now I think we belong in the wild. If you ever need us, you know where to find us" Saku says and we nod at him. He gets his pack and they all run back into the woods. Once they are gone, we turn our attention back on Tala to make sure she gets to the pack doctor. We lift her up carefully and go to the packhouse. When we get there, I am screaming at the top of my lungs for the pack doctor to come down and help.

"What is going on? I came as fast as I can" the pack doctor says.

"It is my mate, she got hit hard in the head and has not woken up from it. Please you have to help her now!" I say to the doctor and they spring into action. They take her to the treatment ward in the packhouse. After what felt like hours, the doctor came up to me.

"She has a bad head injury that made her slip into a coma," the doctor says.

"Is there anything that you can do?!" I ask the doctor.

"No there isn't. It is all up to her body to recover from this. She might wake up tomorrow or in a year. We just don't know" the doctor says while nodding their head and walking off. I go into the room where Tala is staying and be by her side.

"Please wake up from this. I can't live without you" I say holding her hand.

Tala's POV

I start to wake up but my eyes are really heavy. I kept on trying until I am fully awake and after a few minutes I finally did it. I look around a little to see where I am and I am in a huge bedroom that I have never been in before. I try to move but there was someone on me. I look over and it was Nova sleeping like a little kitten next to its mother. She is so cute while she is sleeping. I started to hear beeping sounds and I look to my left and there are medicine machines. I look down at my arms and see that I have an IV in my arm. I try to remember how I got here but I can't. The next thing I know the door is opening and it is my mom and Luna Penelope.

"Nova, it is time to wake up and do some alpha duties around the house. We will keep an eye on Tala for you so you don't have to worry" my mom says not realizing that I was up.

"Fay, look!" Luna Penelope points at me and my mom looks at me.

"My baby!" she says and runs over and gives me a hug. I am confused about why she is giving me such a big hug like she hasn't seen me in years. With all the commotion Nova wakes up.

"What is with all the noise? I am trying to sleep" Nova says in her sleepy voice.

"Tala is awake!" Luna Penelope says and Nova wakes up imminently to hug me too. My mom back away so Nova can hug me. Luna Penelope comes over and wraps her hand around my mom's waist and rests her head on my mom's shoulders. For a second I was confused about why they were doing that to each other then I remember that they are mates. I have never seen my mom so happy before. Nova starts to hug me tighter and kiss me all over my face. I try to laugh and speak, but my throat is so dry I couldn't. Nova realize that I was trying to talk and gave me water on the nightstand. I drank all the water like I haven't had it in years.

"Wow, that was some good water. Now can someone please tell me what is going on? You guys are acting like you haven't seen me in forever" I say and all of their faces go blank.

"Tala, you have been in a coma for a month now. You were in the treatment room in the packhouse for a while, but I wanted you comfortable. So I made them put you in my room in the meantime" Nova says.

"I have seen your room before and this is not your room," I say looking around.

"You are right, this is the alpha's room," Nova says and I look over at Luna Penelope confused.

"Luna Penelope is it okay for us to be in here, in the Alpha's room?" I ask Luna Penelope.

"Well yes since Nova is the alpha of the pack and you are the luna. So you don't need to keep calling me Luna Penelope, just call me Penelope" Penelope says and my mouth is wide open.

"There has been a lot of changes babe. Like how my dad was taken out of power because no one wanted to be led by someone that has done so much harm to people he said he cared about. Also, Nightshade and Dark Moon have become one pack, and the new pack is called Dark Shade. We have two betas and gammas because the pack is so big now. We have relocated to the Nightshade packhouse but we are doing remodeling to make it ours. The old Dark Moon packhouse is being used by Saku's pack. They are not a part of the pack but our alias when we need them" Nova says and I am so surprised by the changes she has made in just a month.

"I am so proud of you kitten," I say to Nova and she kisses me.

"So I am guessing when you said that they are two gammas and betas, you meant that our friends kept their positions and have to work together. What happened to Rudi?" I ask.

"You are right Awan and Tobey are the betas and Dakota and Songoa are the gammas. Rudi didn't want to be alpha anymore. He said he realized that wasn't him and he didn't like what the power was doing to him. He didn't want to end up like my dad, so he is traveling the world to find his mate" Nova says.

"Well, that's good for him trying to find his mate, but he left without saying bye," I say a little upset because he is still my best friend.

"He is not gone forever. He said that he will take trips back here often" Nova says and I sigh in relief.

"Good, now can I take this IV out of me and go to the kitchen. I am so hungry" I say and Nova, my mom, and Penelope all laugh. They take the IV out of me and we all walk down to the kitchen. The house looks way different and is still under construction. We reach the kitchen and there was Dakota, Awan, Songoa, and Tobey. Dakota sees me and runs up to me and gives me a hug.

"Oh, how I miss you Tala," Dakota says to me.

"I miss you too idiot," I say jokingly to her. I look at them and see that they are all a little dirty.

"We just came back from doing some work on the house," Tobey says in response to my confused face.

"Well that's amazing and I can't wait to help," I say and everyone tells me no.

"How about you wait a little bit before you do that babe. You just came out of a coma" Nova says.

"Fine then. Well, I can't wait to be there by your sides as luna of the pack" I say with a huge smile on my face. Everyone says aww and we have a group hug. 

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A/N: I can't believe that I am going to say this, but I have finally finished my first book! I loved writing this book and hearing what you guys have to say about it. Don't worry though because this is not going to be the last time you see the gang ;)

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