Chapter 17

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A/N: I am back sorry for the wait. It was a stressful summer but I am back in school and have some time to write and finish this series. 

Dakota's POV

I have been on edge for the past week and nothing has been going my way. I have been looking for Tala every day and I am not any closer as I was a week ago. I just want my best friend back safe and sound. Nova hasn't been taking this well either, which I am not surprised about because I could not imagine losing my mate and not knowing where they are. I hate seeing her like this too because she has been pushing herself to exhaustion. After all, she wants to find Tala just as bad and probably more than I do. I am not losing hope in finding Tala though, I will find her soon and I will never stop until she is found. I know I came in late last night from a search, but I am about to go out this afternoon for another search. I put on some comfortable clothes and headed downstairs, and right when I was about to head out my mom stopped me.

"Hey sweetie, I need to tell you something," my mom says in a sad tone.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"You might want to sit down for this," my mom says pointing to the couch in the living room.

"No it is fine, I'll stand. What is going on?" I question my mom.

"Well, I just got news from the alpha that...... Nova and Rudi are missing. They found their cars in the middle of a field with their phones left behind" my mom says, but I could barely listen. One of my best friends has been missing for a week and now I find out that two more of my best friends are missing. I didn't know how to take this news I just got. I don't know if I should go out and not return until I find them or go upstairs in my bed and cry. My mom hugged me and I couldn't even respond to the hug because I was so shocked. I then felt my mom wipe away tears from my face, tears that I didn't even know were there.

"It's going to be okay sweetie, we will get them back," my mom says and I hug her this time and cry into her shoulder. After a minute I get myself together and look at my mom.

"I know that we will get them back because I will bring them all back," I say with confidence. I then ran up into my room because the first thing that popped into my head was callings to call Awan. I grab my phone and call him and he picks up on the second ring.

"Hello my beautiful angel, what can I do for you?" Awan says and I can feel my face heating up.

"Not so well to be honest," I say and sigh.

"What's wrong?" Awan says worry.

"I just found out about how Nova and Rudi are missing," I say sadly.

"I am on my way to your house now. Give me like 10 minutes and I'll be there" Awan says and then hangs up the phone. 10 minutes later the doorbell rings and I go and answer it since my mom and dad are at the packhouse. I open the door and it is Awan with a bag from my favorite fast food place, Taco Bell, with open arms.

"You know me so well don't you," I say and grab the food without hugging him just to annoy him.

"Wow, not even a hug," he says laughing then closing the door.

"Where are your parents at?" he says while we head up the stairs into my room.

"They are at the packhouse. My mom is in a meeting with the other ranked wolves and my dad is there to support anyone that needs helps" I say putting the food out for us to eat.

"Oh okay, that is pretty much what is happening over at my pack right now too. They are all having meetings about the fight that is going to happen later today" Awan says and we start to eat our food.

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