Chapter 11

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Nova and I are in the car from Moria's place and I can't stop thinking about what she said that something bad is going to happen.

"What could Moria mean when she said that something bad is going to happen" I ask since Nova seems to know her.

"To be honest I don't know. It could be anything" Nova says.

"Well is she right most of the time or is she like the weather channel people. Saying that it's going to rain but never does" I say.

"She is never wrong. She is always right no matter what. Something bad is going to come to us" Nova says and the car goes silent with the music on the radio playing softly in the background. Then you can hear my stomach growl very loudly.

"Do you want to go get something to eat?" Nova says laughing at my stomach, and I nod yes. She turns the car around and it takes us a minute to wherever we are going to eat. Nova slows down her car and turns into this diner parking lot. It is a hole-in-the-wall place but it has a cute 50's theme inside.

"I promise you that they have the best burgers in town," Nova says getting out of the car and running to open the door up for me. I say thank you and walk inside. They seat us and I look over the menu.

"Where did you find this place? It's not anyone's land and it's pretty far out" I ask her while I look at the menu.

"One day I got into a fight with my dad and it got intense so I left. I got into my car and just took off driving. I was driving for a bit then I started to get hungry, so I pulled over and found this spot. You are the first person that I took here" Nova says and smiles on the last part.

"That nice and I am happy to be the first person that you brought here," I say, and an older lady comes over and takes our order.

"Hey Nova, how are you doing today and who is this lady that you brought here," The lady said and I look at her name tag to get her name, Sally.

"Oh I am doing great Sally, and this is Tala. She's my girlfriend" Nova says and I have the biggest smile on my face because this was the first time that she straight up said that I am her girlfriend. It was nice hearing that roll off her tongue.

"Nice to meet you Tala and I bet that I'll be seeing more of you around here," she winks at me, "so what can I get you?" Sally says and I order a burger with fries and so does Nova.

"Oh Kitten, I wanted to talk about if Awan is excited to finally have his mate," I asked.

"He is so ready and excited to find her. He has been waiting for his mate for a little bit" Nova said.

"We should help plan them a date," I say really wanting to do this for them.

"Why?" Nova question.

"Because I want it to be special and they are being awkward about it all," I say looking at her.

"They will just work it out. They will plan a date that will be perfect for them. They are mates and they will work it out" Nova says.

"Fine but I at least want to go on a double date with them" I beg to Nova. She nods at me with a smile and I say thank you. Then our food comes to our table and it looks great. We both eat in silence taking back this amazing food. We are both done at the same time and I sit back in the booth and let out a deep breath.

"That was great and we need to come here more often," I say and Nova laughs.

"I will take you here as much as you want. I like coming out here because there is no battle for who is on who's land. We can also be open about our relationship and it is a cute town" Nova says and I smile at the fact that we can actually be a couple out there. The check comes and Nova tries to pay but I was able to pay before she could even get her wallet out. Nova drives me home and luckily my pack is a little bit more relax when it comes to people keeping a lookout. They are more focused on the rogue's scent so we can try and help them than Nova's scent that is mostly covered with the spray we got. We pull up to my house and right when I was about to get out, Nova beg me for some kisses, and of course, I gave them to her. I get out of the car and walk into my house. I see how it is a mess and I start to clean up the whole downstairs including the kitchen, living room, bathroom, and even did some laundry. While I was folding laundry, I heard a noise in the house. My mom or dad shouldn't be home just yet, they should be at work. My mom works at the pack's daycare and takes care of the pups, and my dad is a warrior of the pack. I turned around and there was my mom.

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