The Silver What?

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(Still with Dustfinger up in the deer stand. No skipping!)

I felt happy, again. I hope he'll stay forever. But I know that somehow, he'll go back and I'll both love and hate that very day. I'll love it because he'll be happy back home, but I'll also hate it because it will most likely be the last time I see him.
"Lexi! Dustfinger! Where are you?!" Yelled a voice.
I jumped.
Farid just had to go and brake this wonderful moment! "Up here, Farid! We're up here!" Dustfinger yelled, after shaking his head and running his fingers through his tangled hair.
I sighed. If Farid hadn't said anything, I was going to try kissing him, again. And he might have kissed back because of the mood, too! I stood up, off of his lap, and stared down at Farid.
"Hey, Lexi. . ." He trailed off as he looked up at me. "Why are your eyes red? And where's Dustfinger?"
"Well, he's -" I stopped right away when my foot slipped and I fell. It was because of the wind. I was in shock. Too scared to do anything. All I could do was close my eyes.
"Lexi!" I heard someone yell. I didn't know who it was and I don't think I ever will. But, I never hit the hard ground. Someone caught me and when I opened my eyes, I stared right up at Farid's dark eyes.
"Hey! Lexi! Are you alright?!" I heard Dustfinger kept asking.
"Are you alright?" Farid ask. I just nodded. "She's fine!"
I was still in shock. I leaned my head against Farid's shoulder, breathing hard from the fear that just happened. My mind was blank. Nothing happening in it what so ever. Farid knelt down and set me on the ground. Dustfinger knelt down by me, opposite of Farid. He pushed my hair out of my face, so he could make sure that I was not hurt.
"Lexi. . . Say something if you can. So, can you?" I looked up at him, not able to speak a word. Gwin climbed onto my chest and started licking my cheek. I didn't feel like hugging Dustfinger. So, instead, I leaned over and hugged Farid, gripping him. He hugged me back.
"I don't wanna be here anymore. . ." I whispered it so low that only Farid could hear it and that's how I wanted it.
"She said that she doesn't want to be here anymore. . . So, let's take her to the baseball Diamond." Farid gave me to the fire-breather and grabbed my bike. He wasn't going to leave that! They walked on, no talking, even though I didn't want it to be like this, but I didn't want to be the first one to speak. And Dustfinger was when we got to the field.
I was looking all over for something, but I couldn't find it.
"What are you looking for?"
"My paper! The whole reason that I came to see you two! I don't know where it is!" I said, worried about it.
I needed it!
'Why do you need that paper so badly? Why not just say it to them?'
I can't! I need it!
"Who would you rather stay with you? Me or Farid?"
I didn't have to think about that. While looking down, I reached up and grabbed Dustfinger's sleeve. Farid started walking away, looking sad. Did he really have a crush on me or something?
"You do know he likes you, right?" Dustfinger ask when we couldn't see him any longer.
I looked up at him.
"He does? But. . . Then why hasn't he said or done anything to me about it?"
"Because, he sends hints and he knows you love me instead of him. . . When your not around, your all he talks about. Day and night. When he can't see or talk to you, he just talks about you."
I was shocked. He's supposed to love Meggie! Not me!
"But. . . That can't be. He's not supposed to love me. He's supposed to be in love with Meggie! What changed about that?" All Dustfinger did was shrugged.
I'm going to have to have a talk with Farid sometime, alone. I stood up and walked back and forth and back, again. But, I stopped when I started feeling light-headed and my vision was being blocked by little black spots. Oh, no. Not, again. I knew this feeling, I was going to pass-out. And, Before I could do anything, I was out. When I opened my eyes, I was laying down and looking straight up at a face with three scars.
"Why did you just pass-out?!" He yelled at me.
I sat up like nothing happened and looked at him. "Do you have anything to drink?" I ask. He handed me a bottle of water. I frowned at it, but took it anyways.
"So, why did you pass-out and then act like nothing happened?"
"Because, it's happened before, last year and the year before and a few years before that. . . I just know that means that I need to drink more. It just means I'm dehydrated." I told him, "Wait. . . Did you drink some of this?" He nodded. I blushed. In a way, Dustfinger's kissing me!
"Fine, then. . . When I think you need a drink, I'll make you drink, and if you don't want to then me or Farid will hold you down while the other makes the water go in your mouth!" He scowled me.
I think it was just because he didn't want me to pass-out, again. But, before we could say anything else, Farid came walking back over to us, looking at the piece of paper.
'No! He shouldn't be reading that! Wait, where did he learn how to read?' I thought, shocked.
"Lexi. . . What do you mean by you think you can red thing's out of books?" Farid looked puzzled. I got a funny little smile, the kind of smile you use when someone already found out a secret that you were going to tell them. Dustfinger looked at me.
"You can? Since when?"
"Since five days ago. . . When I read out this necklace from 'The mortal instruments' book." I told them, pulling out a red necklace out of my shirt, it was around my neck.
"So. . .  You could read us back!  Why didn't you tell me when we were talking about about me going home today?" Dustfinger ask. I took the paper away from Farid and started reading it to them.
" 'Dustfinger and Farid. . . I learned that I could read thing's out of books. And the best thing is that I can do it without something going in. I don't know when I'll let you know, but that's only because I don't want you two to leave me. Your the only two who understand me like this and who would want the one they had they're first kiss with to leave them? The time we've spent together was the most fun. My sixteenth birthday was the best one I've ever had. I'm happy that Gwin bit me when he did. So, I hope you understand that it may take awhile still for you guys to get home if you want me to send you'." I read my letter to them.
Gwin walked over to me and laid down, wanting me to pet him. Dustfinger took the paper from me so he could see if I was telling the truth. When he finished reading it, he balled it up, threw it on the ground and sighed, looking down at me when he stood. I was still sitting on the grass, looking sadly at them. The same way I looked up at them when we first met and I thought they were going to leave me after Gwin bit me. I felt the same way I felt then. Sad and useless.
"But, you will have to learn how. . . Can you read Silvertongue out so he can teach you?" I looked up at him. Really?
"Would Mo really be alright with sleeping outside with you guys?" I ask him and he sighed, again. Dustfinger sighs a lot! Farid hasn't said anything since he cam back with the paper.
I was starting to really be worried about him. So, I looked over at where he was standing to see. . . What the?!
"Uh, Dustfinger. . . Farid is kinda. . . Gone." I told him, lowly.
He looked over to see that Farid wasn't where he had been standing a few minuets ago. "That stupid boy! Doesn't he know not to go running off in another world that he doesn't know much about? Would you be up to looking for him?"
I nodded.

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