But. . . What about the kiss?

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I smiled. "Farid? Can we switch places?"
He nodded. We both got up and started switching, but when I was where he was, only standing, I lost my balance. I fell backwards. The next thing I knew, I was in Dustfinger's arms.
"Well. . . I hope this won't happen all the time." He was looking down at me while I looked up, but the next thing I knew, Gwin was on his shoulder, looking at me with his black little beady eyes.
I smiled big at Gwin.
"Hi, there, Gwin! I haven't seen you since I first saw you guys today." I told him. Gwin climbed down and sat on my shoulder, until I jerked away because of my burnt shoulders.
"Would you let me see them? Your burns, I mean." He set me down on my feet, while Farid climbed down. Dustfinger looked at my burns. They weren't black anymore, just really, really red. I thought of something and my face lit up.
"Hey! Since they're burnt, does that mean my shoulders will peal?!" I ask, happily. Farid cocked his head to the side and Dustfinger sighed.
"What do you mean by 'peal'?"
I giggled. "Have you ever been sun burnt?" He nodded. "Well, you know how when its almost gone and your skin peals? Well, I hope that happens to my shoulders!" I told him, smiling really big.

Time has pasted since then and now Summers almost over. Every Sunday I saw them and sometimes, I would see them during the week. My Birthday past and it was the best! I hated it when we went on vacation. Good thing it was short! We were only gone for a week. As soon as we got back, I rode off to see them.
While I was gone, I got each of them a little something. For Farid, I chose some candy. For Gwin, I chose an animal toy and for Dustfinger, it was a little harder because I could never think of what he would like. But I finally chose a little stuffed Teddy-bear. When I gave him it to him, he had looked at me like I was nuts for giving him a stuffed bear, but then I told him why.
"When I was looking, I saw this little black Teddy-bear and thought you would like it since it could remind you of your old friend 'The Black Prince' since he has a black bear that follows him everywhere!" I had smiled at him. After I had told him why I gave it to him, he took it. They had showed me where they were staying (Which is where they sleep every night) and when I came without them knowing, I would just go there. When I could, I would bring them something. Even if it was just food or clothes, like shirts and stuff.

"Dustfinger! Farid! Wait for me!" I yelled. They were fast on foot, I was riding my bike. I've always been faster on bike then on foot. They looked back at me and slowed down. It was getting cooler outside, so I had to start wearing warmer clothes. And it was right when they were getting used to me wearing tank-tops, shorts and flip-flops. Once a month, there's a thing where you can get free clothes. When I went, I would get Dustfinger and Farid things to wear.
"Hey, Lexi! Can I ride your bike, please?" Ask Farid. I had shown him how to ride and he's a fast learner. I got off and let him ride it while I rode on Dustfinger's back. "Look! Look, Dustfinger! I can ride Lexi's bike!" Dustfinger just nodded. He hasn't been talking all that much, since I kissed him.
Yep! That has not left my head yet! I don't know if he still thinks about it sometimes, but I do and I'll never forget my first kiss being with someone from the Inkheart movie and books.
"Hey! Are you listening to me, at all?" It was Dustfinger.
"Oh, sorry. . . I was daydreaming. What's up?"
"Why would you have a crush on a coward like me?"
I gasped. It's like he was reading my mind! "Wh-. . . Where did that come from?" I ask him, I didn't know if I wanted to know or not, though.
"Well. . . I ask you first!" He whispered, like he didn't want anyone else to hear. My face started feeling hotter and hotter with every second that pasted.
"Well, I don't know. . . Maybe it's because your nice, you think your a coward and not everyone gets why you do some of the thing's you do. All you want is to go home to your family and friends and you'll do whatever it takes to do it." I didn't know what he was going to say. But when he did talk,it made my heart skip a lot more then one beat, and it wasn't a good skip, either.
"That sounds like something Resa or Roxane would say." When he said that, he actually smiled and it was a really happy one. I didn't like him comparing me to other girls, if anything, I hated it.
"Why did you just do that?" I ask him, holding back the tears that were in my eyes.
"Why did I do what What did I do wrong?" He ask me, questioningly.
I don't know, but he just kept hitting the right spot to make me more and more mad. I think I would feel better if I yelled at him, so I did. "Girls hate it when dudes like you compare us to other girls! Like how you compare me to Resa and Roxane! I hate it! I know you love them and you don't love me the same way! Why don't you understand?!" I yelled. After I yelling, all you could hear were the birds. "Why do you always have to make me cry?" I could barely hear what I, myself, had just whispered. So, I don't know if he heard or not. I regretted ever saying all that after they left my lips. I slid down his back, until my feet hit the ground. This was one of those times when all I wanted to do was leave, go back to Mawmaws, lay down on her bed and go to sleep to forget all about them, but I couldn't, I didn't want to take my bike away from Farid.
"Farid. . . I'm taking Dustfinger to the deer stand, alright?" He looked at me with a smile and nodded. I grabbed Dustfinger's hand and started dragging him away. When we got to the deer, I climbed up, but he didn't. Ever since I kissed him and climbed up here, he knows that me being up there, not to mess with me.
He always let Farid do it. I stood there, looking out over the field. "If my mom found out I was coming out here, I wouldn't be able to ride my bike anymore. . . That's what she told me last year. Come up here, Dustfinger." I told him.
"Sorry to tell you, but. . . I'm not a big fan of high places. But I guess I could come up for now. But not again." Dustfinger said while climbing up the ladder. I let him sit on the seat, but he had me sit on his lap. And it turns out. . . It was a very windy day today. So, the tree that the deer stand was in started swaying, back and forth.
I always hated it when it did that. Sometimes when I climbed up here and it did that, Dustfinger had sent Farid up to get me, but Farid was riding my bike and it was only me and Dustfinger, so he had to calm me down somehow because I was really scared I thought it was going to fall and I was going to get hurt, or worst, die.
"Lexi! Your okay, stop screaming! Calm down!" He whispered to me, in my ear.
"No. . . I'm scared! Make it stop shaking, Dustfinger!" I wiggled. I was crying. I, then, wrapped my arms around his neck, hiding my face in the nape of his neck, Smelling the smell of outside and fire once, again. He just shushed me and smoothed my hair.
I sobbed and sobbed, but calming down slowly. "Stop crying. . . You won't get hurt or die for as long as I'm here. I'm not going anywhere." Even though I was still crying, I started smiling and giggling.
"That's just so cheesy! And. . . Would you promise?" I giggled. I had pulled away from him and was smiling up at him. He smiled back down at me.
"It'll take awhile to get, so I guess I can promise you that, for now." He told me.

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