Chapter. 12

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After Farid and Gwin woke me up, I went to Mawmaws.
I saw Farid whenever I could, but I hadn't seen Dustfinger in, at least, two or three months.
I'm now seventeen. It didn't seem to me like Farid was aging, but he was growing like any other teenage boy his age.  I had found out that if I wanted to, when I read something out, I can also read something in at the same time. I tried it with some stuffed animals to see if they'd come out looking the same as when I read them in.
Every time  worked the right way I wanted it to.
"Okay. . . You should be able to read us back in the fall." Farid told me.
I looked up at him. I had been sitting on the grass by the fence by the corn field, playing with Gwin. Farid had been listening to me read aloud.
"Really? You mean I can do it?"
"That is if you want to. . . You can do it whenever you want since you can do it right, now." I smiled.
I was happy with myself and that he was happy with me.
"Hey. . . Where's Dustfinger? I haven't seen him in forever." He looked away.
I stood up, stood in front of him, took hold of his chin so he would look down at me and placed my lips on his. When I pulled away, I smiled at him with a sweet smile.
"Don't worry. . . I'm worried about him, is all." I reassured him. He's always like this when I ask him about Dustfinger, so I kept having to reassure him.
"He's always at the deer stand. . . Looking at the book you made for him." Farid told me. It felt weird not seeing Dustfinger here with us. This is the longest we've gone without seeing each other and being mad at each other, too.
I nodded and ran off toward the place Farid just spoke of.
"Hey! Wait, Lexi! Where are you going?" He yelled after me. He would find out soon enough. When I got to the ladder, I told Farid to look away from me. I was wearing a dress, so I didn't want Farid to see my undies. Even though it wouldn't be the first time, but still! He shouldn't be doing that!
I climbed to where I could look up at him. Farid was right, Dustfinger was reading the book I gave him. The book was called 'The girl in the Inkworld.' It was about me, Farid and Dustfinger in the Inkworld. I made it just for him. He loved it. He'd never had a book made just for him before.
I gave it to him the Sunday before my birthday. He had asked me why I had given it to him and all I had said was that it was because I didn't know when his birthday was. I had also made a short little story for Farid, too. I gave it to him on my birthday.
I just stared at him.
"I never thought you would like the book that much." I could tell he didn't know I was there because he jumped a mile. He looked at me over the book.
"Where's Farid? I thought he was spending the day with you."
"He's down there." I pointed down at the ground. "I made him stay down because I didn't want him looking up my dress. . . By the way, I'm sorry for the fight. Ever since I met you two, I've been having a really bad case of hot temper." I told him. I looked down so I didn't have to look him in the eyes when I talked.
 He patted me on the head. I looked up at him.
"Your fine. . . I've just been waiting for you to talk to me, again." He told me. "It never takes long for you to forgive me. . . I think this time was the longest ever, though." I smiled at him.
How could anyone think this nice guy was a coward? I couldn't believe it. I got up, took the book from him and sat on his lap.
"Farid! You can come up now!" I yelled at him. When his head popped up, I giggled. It looked funny. "Farid. . . what's on my undies? I don't remember."
"They have diamonds and they're pink. . ." He started to realize what he just said and started blushing.
"One: You shouldn't even have looked up her dress and two. . . You shouldn't have even told her what they were even if you did see them." Dustfinger told him, while smirking.
I glared at him.
"Hey, Dustfinger. . . Don't tell him that! He'll do it!" I yelled, putting my index finger on the tip of his nose. I put my forehead on his shoulder, I was facing him. He pushed me up so he could feel my forehead.
"Your hot. . . As in you have a temp."
"Ha. . . Why do you think I'm like this? It's one of those thing's that you feel fine and out of the blue, you feel like. . . Your going to throw up." I said right before I pulled away, leaned over the side of the deer stand and out came what I had for lunch.
I could feel a hand rubbing my back, gently. Like a mother would do to her child when they get sick. I stood straight again and smiled at Farid, who was the one who rubbed my back.
"Thanks. . . I'm sorry I got sick."
"Hey. . . You could have done it on me. . . But you didn't, so that's good." Dustfinger said, smiling. He got, somehow, Farid stayed with me. I climbed down and if I fell, then Dustfinger would catch me. I had to go slow or I would get too dizzy to move. Dustfinger let me ride on his back. Farid was upset, but Dustfinger just told him that I might throw up again and Farid wouldn't like that.
After Dustfinger told him that, he was alright with me riding on Dustfinger's back instead of his. They took me back to Mawmaws. I said bye to them and told them that I would see them next Sunday because I'll be better by then.

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