Chapter. 11

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I started shaking with fear of it happening, again. Anyone would be scared after that dream. I felt like crying again, just remembering it was the worst thing ever. He started to smooth my hair, again.
"I won't leave you. . . At least, not for awhile. Not until we know you can send us back for sure. Alright?" I just nodded. I didn't want to talk about them leaving anytime soon. Or at all for that matter. The night was silent, all you could hear was the bugs and frogs that were starting to come out more and more since it was getting closer and closer to the warmer weather.
"-xi. . . Lexi! Are you still awake?" I must have been zoned out because after I heard someone call my name, I looked around to see Farid's face, staring at me.
"Huh? Did I fall asleep or did I zone out?" This time, it was Farid who sighed. I loved it when they switched places like this.
"You might have fell asleep for a few minuets. . . Farid woke you up." Dustfinger said. I looked up at him and realized that I was still laying against him. So, of course, I get so embarrassed that Farid had come while I was sleeping like that.
I pulled away, forgetting why I was like that in the first place.
"Sorry, I fell asleep on you. . . I was just listening to the bugs and frogs, the next thing I knew I heard Farid saying my name." I said in a low voice. Ever since I had awaken, I keep saying stuff so low that they can barely hear me. Dustfinger stood up and sat me on the ground.
"Well. . . Let's go. I'm tired and I want to go to sleep." I smiled and started getting up, but as soon as I was on my feet, I lost mt balance. Even though Dustfinger was the closer one, Farid was the one who caught me.
"Hey. . . Are you alright? Do you feel like your going to faint? Is your foot, leg or ankle hurt?" Farid ask me. All I did was smile up at him. I hated it when he was being over protective, which was a lot, but I let it pass for now.
"Don't worry, I'm fine. . . I just don't think it's a good idea for me to walk when I'm half asleep, though." He nodded and got me on his back. I ask him if I was too heavy, but he just shook his head. He wanted to carry me, he didn't want Dustfinger to do it, he didn't want me thinking that he's too weak to do something as easy as carrying me. I blushed the whole time he carried me.
"Okay, okay. . . Now, no 'Lovey-dovey' stuff from the Lovebirds. Or Lexi can still go home with her family." Dustfinger told us.
Me and Farid got even redder then we already were.
"We're not Lovebirds and we're not doing anything Lovey-dovey!" We yelled at him.
He smirked.
When we went to sleep, I really wanted to sleep next to Dustfinger, but I didn't want Farid to be too upset. So, instead, I slept between them both! I already knew that Farid fell asleep before Dustfinger, so I cuddled with Farid until he fell asleep and then, when I knew he was asleep, I turned over to cuddle with Dustfinger.
"You are one smart girl." He whispered. I grinned .
"Thanks. . . You should have known what I was going to do! Farid falls asleep way before me. You should also know what it's like to be scared to sleep because you don't want the bad dreams to come and get you. Right?" He turned on his back so he could look up at the stars. Farid always loved it when I would show and tell him all I knew about the stars.
"Sometimes I wonder how you know so much about me." I smiled softly at that.
I laid my head on his chest. I could hear his heartbeat. It was hard to believe he's not real, that he's just ink, words and paper, that he's just from a book. Why do I always think about the bad at good times? When I'm with Dustfinger, I think about Farid, but when I'm with Farid, I think about Dustfinger. When I'm happy, I think about them leaving me forever, When I'm sad or scared, I think about they're lips. How they felt, how they taste or just the way they smell.
Dustfinger, who always smelled like the outside and fire. Farid, who sometimes smelled like fire, outside, Gwin or even sweets. I got so many memories with them and it hasn't even been a full year, yet.
Dustfinger's and Farid's faces when I brought things for them when I couldn't see them for a whole week. The time I spent teaching Farid how to ride a bike.
The first time they saw me in a dress.
Farid and Dustfinger showing me what they could do as fire-eaters.
All of those fun things we did and even the thing's not so fun like when me and Farid had a race. It was stupid to have it on the road, but we did, I ended up falling and skinning my knees and hands. I had laughed until it started to get doctored. Even the bad memories I loved to have. Even thinking about all of them, I felt sad.
"Hey. . . Are you alright, Lexi?" Ask a shocked Dustfinger.
I lifted my head, looked at him and smiled as big as I could.
"Yes. . . I'm alright. . . Just thinking about everything me, you and Farid did together. Say, if I was as prefect as Roxane, but a little bit of this me. . . Would you love me like you love her?" He sat up straight and gasped. He put his hand on my head, so I would look up at him and I did.
He opened his mouth, but shut it again, like he was thinking of what to say to that.
He shook his head.
"You just don't understand."
"The same way I don't understand that while you were in this world in the book, you wouldn't let Resa go to Mo and Meggie because you loved her in a way that you didn't want to give her up?" He looked at me like he was thinking 'Are you kidding me?'
I sat up right in front of him, looking into his eyes.
"Lexi. . ." He sighed.
"You just don't get it. . . You may think I'm just a little girl who has a crush on you, but your so wrong there. I'm almost seventeen, I've never had a boyfriend, I gave my first kiss to you, I even bought you a black teddy-bear! I got you clothes and food and this is really how you thank me?! I'm done doing anything else nice for you until you can see what all I do for you!" I whispered.
I crawled over to Farid, laid down next to him and cuddled. I thought I would go straight to sleep, but I don't think I fell asleep at all through out the night. I would try, but I only ended up opening my eyes. being too sad or mad when your trying to sleep doesn't work out, all that well. I didn't fall asleep until half an hour before sun rise.

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