I hope we meet again.

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The whole time he was Doctoring it, I never took my eyes off of him. When he was done, he stood up and stretched.
"There. . . Now, Please tell me you can still walk."
I smiled and tried to get up, but just fell back down with a 'Thud.'
"Uh. . .I don't think she can. How is she going to get home, now? We can't just leave her here!" Farid said while looking at Dustfinger. I looked at them with sad eyes. I was ready for him to leave me to walk beck by myself, but the next thing I knew, I was on Dustfinger's back. My eyes as wide as they could go. He smelled like outside and fire.
"I'll take you home as long as you show me the way. . . By the way, what is your name?"
I pointed a way and we started off. "Oh. . . I'm Lexi, and I already know that your Dustfinger and he's Farid." I blushed when I called him 'Dustfinger', even though that's his name. I still couldn't believe that I, Lexi, was on Dustfinger's back. But, how did they get here?
"How did you. . . Wait, you read our books, didn't you?" I was shocked. How did he know that they're from books? I looked down and blushed a little.
"Maybe. . ." I Whispered. 'How am I supposed to tell him that I read the books without it sounding creepy?' I thought.
"So. . . If you did read them - I'm taking it that you did-. . . Who's your favorite Character?" Dustfinger ask, turning down a road. I was getting more and more shy and embarrassed with every word he said. I've never felt this way before. This was a very new feeling for me. I really didn't want to tell him who it was. Even worst that it was him! "Well. . . Uh, I. . . Um." I stuttered. 'How am I supposed to tell him that I've got a crush on him?! A big one at that?! I can't tell him. . . I'm too scared!'
"Dustfinger. . . I think your her favorite. Her face is turning as red as a Tomato!" Farid told him, Happily. I shot him a glare and tried to hid my face as Dustfinger tried to see if I was really that red. After awhile, he gave up, but wouldn't stop Smirking.
"Is it true? Am I your favorite character? I've never had someone too shy to tell me that." I could feel his back shake as he chuckled.
"Hey! Don't laugh at me! What did I do to make you laugh?!" I shouted at him. But when I saw where we were, I got sad. We were at the corner and I could see Mawmaws, That's what i call my Great-grandma, and I didn't want them to see him or Farid because I might get in big trouble. I gripped his shoulders tightly, which made him stop walking.
"What's wrong, now?"
"You can put me down now. . . My grandma's house is just over there." I told them, pointing to the pink house. He set me down gently on my feet, I just flinched a little bit from the pain.
"Are you sure? We could walk you to the driveway, at least."
I shook my head. "No. . . My mom wouldn't be the happiest if she saw me with a boy and a man that just showed up out of nowhere. So, it'd be better if you didn't." I didn't want to leave them, it was my dream to meet Dustfinger, but now I gotta leave them.
"Would she be less mad if she saw just me walking with you?" Farid ask. I looked at him and thought, 'Well. . .  I think it would be better for them to see me with a boy around my age in stead of with Dustfinger.'
"Okay, then come on, Farid. . . If you want, you can walk with me to at least the driveway. But no further, got it?" He nodded.
"Can I Dustfinger?"
"I guess. . .I'll wait here and don't take forever." Dustfinger said. When he said that, it reminded me of how a parent would tell a boy to treasure the time you have with your love. I felt weird. I wasn't in love with Farid! I'm in love with Dustfinger!
I took one step and almost fell, I would have if it was for Farid and Dustfinger who caught me. "I think it would be better if you rode on Farid's back." Dustfinger suggested. He helped me on Farid's back and Farid started to walk to Mawmaws.
"I'm sorry. . . Am I heavy?" I ask, shyly.
"No, not really. . . You didn't ask Dustfinger that when he was carrying you, though." I just smiled.
I didn't want to tell him it was because he was smaller and younger then his mentor. Instead, I replied "Well. . . I'm just a little shy sometimes, that's all."
"Is that right?"
"Yep. . . you can put me down, now." But he didn't quite do just that. He kept on walking, until he got to the porch. He set me down on one of the chairs, gently as though I was a glass doll.
"Do you really like Dustfinger? He has a wife and a kid, you know that, right?" I gasped and looked at him, surprised he would ever ask me that. I looked down the road at Dustfinger, he was leaning against the stop sign on the corner.
"Yeah, I know. . . But, I still like him, how long have you two been here?" I felt a furry head on my hand, so I looked down to see Gwin. It looked like he wanted me to pet him.
"About two or three months in this city, but we've been in this world for at least six months." Farid told me. I petted Gwin on the head. I felt sorry for them, but then I remembered that Dustfinger has been out of his world ten years before, so this was nothing for him, yet.
"Hey, Farid. . . ? If I tell you when and where, could you make sure that you and Dustfinger are there?" We both looked back at the fire-breather by the stop sign. He looked like he was really starting to get bored.
"Sure. . . But what if he doesn't want to?"
I sighed. "Trick him somehow. Meet me at the baseball Diamond next Sunday at one o'clock in the afternoon." I told him.
He looked at me like I was a nutcase. "What's a baseball Diamond?"
"Ask Dustfinger, he better know, but if he doesn't then you go straight down this road-" -I pointed down the road to my right- "- When you get to the end, you turn to the left which will lead you to a field and you can wait for me there, okay?"
He opened his mouth as if to say something, but closed it again. He then nodded. "Bye, Lexi!" He said, walking out to the road. "Come on, Gwin!"
His head popped up, looked around and laid his head back down on my lap.
I stood up and put the little Marten in the grass. "Go back to Farid and Dustfinger, Gwin!" I told him. He looked up at me, sniffed the air and ran over to Farid. I waved to them as they walked away.

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