Chapter. 9

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Awhile pasted. I let them meet my best friend/cousin and my little cousins. I was now able to read thing's that I read out back in, but I needed to see if I could do it with living people. I started to get closer and closer with Farid, but further and further away from Dustfinger. Sometimes we would get in fights. One of them was really bad.
We fought about how he doesn't love me the same way that he loves Roxane or even his own kids. That made me so mad that I yelled at him.
"Well. . . If that's true then never talk to me, again! Whatever I do leads us to talk about her! If you love her so much then why do you keep leaving her?! Why stay here waiting for me and go find someone else who can do it?!" I had yelled. After that, I had stayed  far away from him. One more month and it would be a year since I first met them. It was still pretty chilly.
I wouldn't go outside without a coat, pants and sneakers on. One day though, Dustfinger and Farid were walking, until they heard someone yelling they're names.
"Hey! Dustfinger! Farid! Wait!" Yelled a females voice that wasn't mine. They stopped and turned around to see a girl with brown hair running after them.
"Hey, your Lexi's friend, aren't you? Where is Lexi, anyways?" Farid ask her. She was glaring at them.
"Where is she? I know she's with you two! Tell me where she is!" She yelled at them, poking Dustfinger in the chest pretty hard. She was two years older then me.
"What are you talking about? We haven't seen her since last Sunday." Dustfinger told her, glaring back at her.
She dropped her hand and sighed, looking sadly down at the road. "Well, then I don't know where she is. . . I don't know this area as well as she does."
"What happened to her? Why are you looking for her?" Farid looked worried.
"She had a big fight with her mom. . . So she got on her bike and rode off as fast as she could. I couldn't keep up with her and the first place I thought to check was with you two, but I guess I was wrong. Can you please help me look for her!" She pleaded them. They agreed, split up and started looking .
Dustfinger had to think. Where would Lexi go if she was upset? The first place he checked was the deer stand, not there. Next, he checked the field by the baseball Diamond, not there either. He didn't know where I could be.
But, before he could think of anything else, Farid came running over to him. "I found her bike! I think I know where she is!
"Well. . . Are you going to tell me or just stand there staring at me?"
Farid gasped for a breath. He ran all the way over here. He couldn't talk, so he grabbed Dustfinger's hand and ran. They ended up by another baseball Diamond by a play ground and leaning against a tree was my light blue bike with its basket.
"I think she's down by the creak."
"I'll go down, you stay here and watch out for anyone. Got it?" Farid pouted, but still nodded.
When Dustfinger got down the very steep hill, he saw me sitting under the bridge, with my knees up against my chest, arms around my knees and my face hidden in my arms and hair. I wasn't wearing my shoes or my coat. I was soaking wet. He walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder. I pulled away. Not as if I was scared, but just not wanting him to touch me or stay away from me pull away.
I turned so my back was facing him. He tried again, but I still pulled away from him. He wanted to touch me without me pulling away. So, he grabbed my shoulders and pulled me into a hug.
I didn't pull away from his touch, this time. I pulled my hands out and, hesitantly, put them around him. "Your so stupid. It's cold, yet your wet, you have no shoes on and your not wearing a coat. . . Here, wear this or you'll freeze to death." He scowled me, but he said it quietly.
I pulled away slowly, still not letting him see my tear stained face. He took off his long coat and put it around me. "You know. . . Farid's up there waiting for you. So, do you want to go?" He ask, gently. He must be used to cheering up girls, he's had to cheer up his youngest and his oldest child, Roxane, Resa and Meggie.
I'm just happy that he came to get me. I held up my hands, but kept my head down. "Okay, okay. . . I take it that you want to ride on my back? Get on, then." I had nodded. He turned and I got on his back. He grabbed my shoes and coat. "You are freezing! I can feel it through my shirt!" That made me smile a little. "Did you play in the water when you came down here? Your going to freeze me!"
He was trying to make me laugh or smile, and it was working. I tried not to, but I ended up giggling. "I thought you were still mad at me for yelling at you about all that stuff before."
"Really? If I was still mad then why would I be here with you right now?"
I gripped his shoulder while he climbed the steep hill to get back up to Farid. When we got up there, Farid was just standing around, looking bored.
"I thought I told you to look out for other people!" Farid jumped a mile.
"Lexi! You got her!" Farid yelled, coming over and smiling up at me once he found my face. I smiled back down at him. He looked so happy o see me and I loved it. It always makes me happy when I see Farid. He always looks so happy, carefree and just so cheerful.
"She's fine, she's just freezing. . . Go back to her family, tell them we found her and she's with us, okay?" Dustfinger told Farid. "We'll be at the baseball Diamond."
Farid looked sad, so I reached down and put my hand on his head. He looked up at me and I smiled. He smiled again, nodded and went running. Well, not running, he rode my bike.

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