Chapter. 18

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I wasn't feeling well enough to go up myself and Farid's a really good climber, so I clung to his back. Even with me on his back, Farid was able to get to the top, drop me off and still help Dustfinger up. It made me laugh how Farid was helping him while also Dustfinger was trying to help Farid. I don't think Farid needed  help, at all.
When they were both up to where I could see them while I was sitting back against the shed, I smiled and waved at them.
"Hey, boys! Took you long enough, Dustfinger." I giggled even though the gash in my arm was killing me.
"The only way you got up here before me was because of Farid. . . Other wise, I would be up here way before you." Dustfinger told me.
My jaw dropped.
Yeah, I knew it was true, but hearing it come from his mouth was the worst thing ever.
"Oh, yeah?" I glared at him. "Just get over here and fix my arm." I stared at the only blood red leaf on the ground, partly sticking out from under my right foot. I felt like throwing a fit about how mean he was being to me.
Someone pushed my gash. It hurt so badly that I let out a little scream. I must have zoned out because Dustfinger does that to a bruise when I'm zoned out and not listening to what he was saying.
"Hey. . . That did hurt. . ." I had tears in my eyes. Anyone would if he did that to a gash in they're arm. It ran from my elbow to a few inches away from my wrist.
"Well, then don't zone away from the here and now. . . It's getting really annoying."
"Well, sorry! If you don't like it then leave me alone and let Farid doctor it. . ." I didn't yell, that was said in a whisper. Dustfinger just kept on fixing it.
Did he not hear me? All well. . . I thought we would be at least friends before I met them, but it doesn't seem like it. Maybe it's because we love each other that we fight.
"I'm sorry. . ." I whispered while pulling my knees up against my chest and wrapped my good arm around them, burying the bottom half of my face in them.
He looked up at me.
"What did you say?"
I just shook my head.
Farid was watching as Dustfinger's hands move up and down my arm. The look on his face made me giggle. He was staring wide-eyed with his mouth hanging open. I looked back at Dustfinger. It reminded me of when he fixed up my ankle after Gwin had bit me that first day.
That very first day, though, I felt a lot different then I do now.
"There. . . All fixed. . . Oh! and in return don't fall off your bike anytime soon, okay?" I softly smiled at him.
"I can try! But I can't make any promises."
"Maybe you did hurt your head. . . Or why else would you be smiling like that?"
That made me giggle a bit.
"Maybe I did. . . I don't really know, but I'm tired and can't go to sleep." I frowned, more like pouted. I loved sleeping and they knew it.
"What do you think your mom will think when she sees that?" Dustfinger pointed to my bandaged arm. I looked at it for a few seconds before looking back up at him.
I just shrugged.
"I don't know. . . She might just think I fell off my bike and someone doctored it."
Farid laughed, but Dustfinger just stared at me. I cocked my head to the side to look at him.
"Dustfinger. . . What's wrong? Why are you staring at me like that?"
"You haven't told your mom about us? Haven't you at least told anyone where you've been when you leave?" I smirked.
"I think five of my cousins have at least seen you. . . And my lil' brother, aunt, grandma and great grandma have seen Farid. I think they think I'm going to his house or something when I leave. . . I don't really know what they think. I'm not them." I said. Dustfinger just shook his head. Farid stopped laughing.
I thought it was funny, but I guess they didn't. I stood up and stretched.
"I saw the masked man, again." I told them and that got something out of them.
"What? What masked man?" Farid ask, but Dustfinger answered before I had a chance to.
Thanks a lot Dustfinger!
"You mean the masked man from your dream? The one with the one dark and one light eye?" I nodded. "When? How?"
"The other night. He was in my dream, But it wasn't the same dream. . . This one. . . He was just talking to me." I held out my hands to them to help them up. For a change, Dustfinger took my hand, but Farid pushed it away. How weird is that?
"What did he say to you?" I looked up at him. Dustfinger really looked worried. Did he know something that I didn't? If so. . . I want him to tell me!
"He wants me to meet him at the place where it all started on 0. 7. 6 at one. . . Then I'll learn the truth. But I don't get it. What does that even mean?" They both shrugged. I sighed. I thought telling them would help me, but they are no help at all. I pushed Dustfinger lightly, playfully. "Your supposed to help me! Why aren't you helping?"
"Because I was thinking. . . Could it mean the place where you first met me, Farid and Gwin?" Dustfinger ask me, with his hand under his chin, looking down, but not at me or Farid. I was shocked.
This might be mean, but, since when has Dustfinger been this smart?
"You could be right, I guess. . . But why hadn't I thought about that?" I ask, but no one answered me. I puffed out my cheeks. I do that whenever I mess up on the words to a song or don't get my way. Which I was so not getting my way because I was wanting them to speak when they wouldn't. "Fine, then. . . I should probably get going. . . Unless you want me to stay the night with you guy's?" I did puppy-dog eyes at Dustfinger since he could send me home whenever he wants to. He looked at me with one eyebrow arched up.
"Is that your way of asking?"
I grinned up at him.
"Maybe. . . I would even go ask if I could~" I said. I was trying not to say 'Pretty please with a cherry on top?' Because I think that would be too childish. But, hey! It is me we're talking about!
"I want you to stay! I want you to teach me more about the stars!" Farid grabbed my shoulders. He was standing behind me. I put my hands on his and smiled a little ways up at him.
Hey! Stop growing taller then me Farid!
I looked at Dustfinger.
"I was hoping not to say this, but. . . Pretty please with a cherry on top?" I begged. Farid thought it was funny because I could feel him shake a little.
"Fine. . . But don't take too long. So, go." He sighed. I clapped, hugged him and went running. I tried to run all the way there, but I hate running, so I ended up walking fast the rest of the way.

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